Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Inanna Harth

    Lore Review  The Consorts of Ta'a VIII (novel)

    "I've been reading this book recently about a Hapan man named Alain Del. He was born a commoner, but rose to become an advisor to the Ereneda." - Ben Khal OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify a piece of lore integral to character development, and for use in RP by the community at...
  2. Kalen

    Long Live the Hapan Union (short story)

    ROYAL PALACE, HAPES After the events of the Hapan Crisis... Commander Elaan was escorted through the Palace under heavy guard. The hallways which she had traversed so many times as a member of the Chume’doro now appeared almost unrecognizable, so much of their finery had been removed or...
  3. The Hand of Freedom

    Campaign  Beneath the Surface: A Hapes Struggle Story || The Foundation (Open to all Jedi and other Lightsiders)

    THE GALLINORE ACCORD fa-play fa-pause In the wake of events on Hapes that escalated into a full-blown conflict, the same issues started spilling onto neighbouring worlds, plunging the Consortium into a crisis. Gallinore was no exception. Home of rich rainbow gem mines and technological...
  4. Eloise Dinn

    Private  The Yellow Brick House

    TA'A CHUME'DAN, HAPES Continuation of the Crisis... Eloise raced through the rain, the repulsors of her speeder blasting puddles as it scraped around a street corner. The city was still on fire, perhaps even more so as GA forces went to war against the Hapans. The radio, tuned to intergalactic...
  5. Judah Dashiell

    Private  A Helping Hand

    HAPES Danger Arceneau Who would have thought one little wedding would be the root of so much suffering? Located in a blown-out factory that provided no safety, only cover for the rain, a massive group of aid workers had assembled. Up to one side, a holographic map was projected, portions...
  6. Serena Harth

    Holonet  Serena Harth Live: Kha'la Daaray, Queen Mother of Hapes

    Kha'la Daaray - [Closed] As morbid as it was, Serena's career had been propelled years ahead by her coverage of the Hapan royal murders. She had recorded everything, and relayed key information via firsthand account. It gave her a reputation amongst her peers as a dauntless pursuer for truth...
  7. Kalen

    Public  A First Time For Everything: Prison Break On Hapes

    When it was his turn, Kalen held out his bowl. The droid dispensed a smooth gray goo into the plasteel container, then moved on to the next prisoner. Shackles clinking, Kalen made his way over to his seat and nudged the sludge with a spoon. Odorless and flavorless, it barely filled the belly and...
  8. Aziraphale

    Public  Hapes: Coronation of the Hidden Prince

    LOCATION: Hapes TAGS: @ Open Thread In the heart of Hapes, within a secluded estate far from the prying eyes of the Consortium's nobility, a secret celebration is underway. Word has spread among Hapan men, emboldened by recent events—spurred by their first taste of newfound rights and...
  9. Kha'la Daaray

    LFG  [GA | Allies | Neutral] Hapes Charity Event Part II

    The war between the Galactic Alliance and Sith Order is about to escalate! After the recent conflict near their converging borders, the war is finally shifting into a new phase. This development makes it even more important to get together one more time before people across the Galaxy are sent...
  10. Makai Dashiell

    Private  Movement

    GALLINORE 'When you move, I could never define all that you are to me' Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X Interacting With : Myra Elspeth Arceneau “Hold on.” Walking down the path to the lake home, Makai suddenly stopped and picked up Ellie “bridal style”, laughing as he did so. Her...
  11. Romi Jade

    Approved Location  Dar'Benn: A Gem of the Hapes Consortium

    Dar'Benn General Information Type Major city Planet Lemmi VI System Lemmi System Sector Hapes Cluster Population Several hundred thousand Affiliation Hapes Consortium "To walk through the Garden of the Millennium Blossom is to journey through the very...
  12. Okuma Milogen

    First Reply  Fine Art Repo

    Location: Hapes Objective: Steal Painting Tag: Open The job wasn’t the normal hunt or clean up work Okuma was used to. It offered many unique challenges that intrigued the Kage mercenary. His clients now we're Hapen pirates, in hiding along the frontiers of their remote cluster. Made up of...
  13. Ducha Relina Zhan

    Approved Tech  Royal Armaments Guild Type-2 Stealth Armour System

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To sub a specialized armour system for Chume'Doro (Royal Guard) for use in stealth missions Image Source: Hapan Royal Guard Armour Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Chume'doro PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Royal Armaments Guild of...
  14. Spirit of Knowledge

    Faction  Punk Tactics | Relephon Campaign

    As the first month drew to a close, the rebels' progress ground to a halt three miles from Charhelm, the river between them, and their prize filling with blood. Relephon IV was mostly tropical, the most populated of Relephon's moons, and home to House AlGray. The seat of their power rested on a...
  15. K

    Faction  Hostage Situation - Reef Fortress, Hapes [GA, NJO]

    Reef Fortress, Hapes Kalen stood before a force cage, peering through the barrier of crackling energy at the man within. “You?” he hissed, eyes widening as he recognized the face of the prisoner. “You’re the Jedi spy?” “Sinsor Galney”, supposedly the stepson of a Ducha, had only recently been...
  16. Auteme

    LFG  Havoc on Hapes, Rebellion on Relephon

    Deafening explosions rock the Reef Fortress as its assailants pour in, killing guards and taking hostages. The rogue Se'n Dorrin cell has but one monumental demand -- the overthrow of the matriarchal Hapes Consortium and its ruler, Kha'la Daaray . They say their cause is just; the liberation of...
  17. Astor Daaray

    Character  Astor Daaray - Prince of the Hapes Consortium

    ASTOR DAARAY Theme the sacred and the profane Full Name Astor Isildin Kalos Daaray Alias(es) Pal'da Astor Pal'da Daaray Class(es) Royalty (formerly) Ex-Chume'doro Place of Residence Ta'a Chume Dan, Hapes (formerly) Age Deceased at 29.5 years of age Rank(s) Prince of the...
  18. Eloise Dinn

    Faction  A Battle of Wills (NJO)

    Eloise was there in the dojo, watching the practice fights, when Taryn slapped Albrecht across the face. They had been lobbing various "polite" insults at each other beforehand, but things shifted dramatically once she struck him. Suddenly the argument was serious, and not just something that...
  19. Eloise Dinn


    Eloise was there at the Huttaburger, munching on fries, when Lady Taryn slapped Lord Albrecht across the face. They had been lobbing various "polite" insults at each other beforehand, but things shifted dramatically once she struck him. The Hapan noblewoman's long manicured nails drew blood from...
  20. Valery Noble

    Dominion  New Alliances — GA Dominion of Hapes

    Hapes With the escalating conflict between the Galactic Alliance and Mandalorian Enclave, it has become increasingly more important to find new allies. So, following the integration of Thyrsus and Eshan, the Alliance's attention finally shifts to the Hapans — a proud people whose founding...
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