Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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haxion brood

  1. Diarch Reign

    Faction  A new source of Manpower | Diarchy & Haxion Brood

    Location: Orinackra | Headquarters of The Network Tags: Darius Vex Darth Nathrax Syoh Pa The Diarch walked the pristine halls of The Network’s headquarters, it appeared the investment High Adjudicator Vex had asked for seemed to be paying off. Agents and analysts hard at work keeping the...
  2. Kaljak Rakham

    Character  Kaljak Rakham

    KALJAK RAKHAM Age 34 GSY Species Theelin-Human Gender Male Height 1.82 Meters Weight 109 kg Force Sensitive No Voice Claim Daelin Proudmoore PERSONALITY & BELIEFS Kaljak is a shrewd and charismatic leader, known for his sharp pragmatism and unwavering loyalty to those who earn his...
  3. Vithiam de Mora

    Character  Seventh Devil :: Vithiam de Mora

    fa-play fa-pause Biological Name: Vithiam de Mora Aliases: Squa Hurati | birth name the Seventh Devil | by Noss Species: Umbaran Gender: Male Age: 32 Height: 2.00 m Build: Muscular, tall Eyes: Dark blue Hair: Dark silver Force Proclivity: Force-sensitive Languages: Umbarese Galactic Basic...
  4. A Brooding Muse

    Mission  Moon's Haunted || Haxion Brood

    M O O N ' S H A U N T E D As ever, the Haxion Brood was on the move. With their aim being to have their fingers in every Underworld pie, the organization had its ear to the ground in many respects. They were always on the lookout for potential allies, opportunities to expand their...
  5. T

    Faction  Panic Rooms - Haxion Brood

    I relish the moment that they awaken, soon to become trapped in their own fears. The panic rooms, each one stacked above the other, are perfect—soundproof, windowless, a labyrinth of my own design. The criminals I've chosen are just pawns in my game, their minds ripe for exploration. I feel...
  6. Syoh Pa

    Character  Syoh Pa

    SYOH PA Age 56 GSY Species Kaminoan Gender Female Height 2.26 Meters Weight 42 kg Force Sensitive No Voice Michelle Yeoh INVENTORY Equipment ZV2 Compact heavy blaster pistol An MP-042 “Skjöldr” energy shield Kaminoan saberdarts along with a concealed wrist-mounted dart...
  7. Kaila Irons

    Red Ronin Club

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: w\edits Canon Link: N\A Primary Source: N\A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Red Ronin Club Headquarters: Canto Bight Locations: Coming soon! Operations: Healing Baths Gambling Parent Corporation: Enarc Trade League Subsidiaries: N\A...
  8. IG-44

    Character  IG-44

    Age ~25 GSY Species IG-series assassin droid Gender Male programming Height 1.96 m Weight 105 kg Force Sensitive n/a -| Blaster DLT-20A blaster rifle -| Blaster IG-series assassin droid -| CQC Weapon Vibroknife -| Equipment Needle dart gun -| Consumables Concussion discs...
  9. Jonah

    Approved NPC  Whiteout

    W H I T E O U T OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify a special forces unit within Jonah's power base. Image Credit(s): Star Wars - Knights of Ren Star Wars - Haxion Brood Role: Security & Special Operations Permissions: N/A Links: Haxion Brood (Chaos) GENERAL INFORMATION Unit...
  10. A Brooding Muse

    Approved Tech  Ice

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A narcotic to be distributed by the Haxion Brood. Image Source: Geraldo Justel Canon Link(s): Yaladai Slick Battlestim Permissions: NCBC Permission Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION: Manufacturer(s): Broodworks New Cov Biomolecule Company...
  11. A Brooding Muse

    Faction  A Place Called Home || Haxion Brood

    O R D O E R I S Zev Stargo III was the furthest thing from a household name. In fact, under his watch, the Haxion Brood had become little more than a blip on the Galactic radar. They were a footnote. All they had amounted to were bothering the occasional shipment or serving as meat shields...
  12. A Brooding Muse

    Minor Faction It's All Going to Sh*t || Haxion Brood

    Join the Haxion Brood today:
  13. A Brooding Muse

    Faction  Hunting Season || Haxion Brood

    H U N T I N G S E A S O N The hunt for a competitive edge never ceased. Khorm found itself in a rather advantageous position over the years. A rare resource called Agrocite resided just beneath the surface - and this literal gem could take a good turbolaser and make it great. Naturally, it...
  14. A Brooding Muse

    Approved NPC  Haxion Freebooters

    H A X I O N F R E E B O O T E R S OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A unit for harassing the Hyperlanes. Image Credit(s): Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Shutterstock Editing Credit(s): Divider by Srina Talon Header & Emblem by Jonah Role: Boarding and/or capturing starships. Permissions...
  15. A Brooding Muse


    B R O O D W O R K S OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source(s): Star Wars Icon Edited by Jonah Divider by Srina Talon Canon Link(s): Haxion Brood Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Broodworks Headquarters: Ordo Eris, Polis Massa System Locations: Druckenwell...
  16. Jonah

    Faction  Think Bigger - Part I || Haxion Brood

    A S S E M B L E Polis Massa Asteroid Field, Sith Space Think bigger. That was the phrase which had set all of this into motion. It was an understanding shared between two partners who had just achieved their greatest triumph yet. However, this victory was but the foundation to build much...
  17. A Brooding Muse

    HAXION FAQ || Ask Questions Here!

    H A X I O N F A Q Welcome to Haxion Brood! Below you'll find answers to commonly-asked questions. Please feel free to ask any additional questions below! QUESTIONS: Q: What Kind of Characters Can Join? A: While we would never turn any writers away, light-sided or "good guy" archetype...
  18. A Brooding Muse

    HAXION CELLS || Directory

    H A X I O N C E L L S Welcome to Haxion Brood! This is a designated space for recording the details of your Cells. Once complete, we will add it to the directory list and create signature bling below. Please use the included template when posting. If you have any questions, please post them...
  19. A Brooding Muse

    HAXION BROOD || Info & Roster

    H A X I O N B R O O D Welcome to Haxion Brood! Below, you'll find a breakdown of how our faction operates. If you have any questions, please post them in our FAQ thread! INTRODUCTION Haxion Brood is a criminal syndicate operating in the Outer Rim. In terms of structure, the organization...
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