Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Caltin Vanagor

    Private  I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse.

    LOCATION: Naboo - Old Angellus Estate | OBJECTIVE: Talking to an “Old Friend” | POST #: 1 TAG (ALLIES) : Joran Del-Finn TAG (FOES) : @ fa-play fa-pause He really did not have the time for this, but the Force had a way of drawing Caltin to places he had not really thought about in the past...
  2. Thirdas Heavenshield

    Private  It's What He Would Have Wanted

    Coruscant There'd been no body to bury. No next of kin, no friends, no surviving relatives to notify of his passing. His sacrifice would have gone entirely unnoticed, were it not for the lucky few who lived to tell his tale. One such individual was Thirdas Heavenshield, formerly colonel in the...
  3. Valery Noble

    Invasion  [OOC Sign-up] War in the Rim — GA Invasion of SO held Sluis Van and Echnos

    War in the Rim The Galactic Alliance finally launches its most critical offense of the war thus far. In the direct aftermath of the recent convergence of their borders with The Sith Order — clashing violently on Eiattu 6, Naalol, and in the heated skirmish over Sullust — Alliance fleets strike...
  4. Ordo

    Private  He Said Nothing.

    Whirling dervishes of dust and scree fled the hard metallic feet of the ship's landing struts as it settled down. The alternating jets of steam and venting gases from the hull of the venerable YT-2000 the only sounds around the unused landing site. The sky was pale today. A blue so light it was...
  5. Canfeza


  6. Lossa Aureus

    Private  He Is, Your Brother?

    Tags: Eloise Dinn Location: Coruscant Jedi Temple, Training Hall Wearing: Traditional Robe, Echo Stone Wielding: Lossa's Lightsaber The conversation with Eloise still hung in her mind from the lifeday Gala. The irritation that the purple haired girl expressed sharply contrasting the fight...
  7. 404-notfond


  8. Zad Ruzed

    First Reply  He Pulled First

    Beneath the twin suns, the stranger walked, with his big iron on his hip. Covered, though it was, by that leather flap of his black jacket. He walked beyond the harlots, the spicers, the pedestrians and the speeders zooming in between the city streets of Mos Eisley. His boots, black as his...
  9. Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani)

    Work In Progress  Templates for Kailani and friends (wait he has none)

    Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah
  10. Iris Arani

    Private  He Did What?

    Iris clicked her tongue as she looked over her X-Wing. It was, surprisingly, covered in toilet paper of all things. She'd never seen something like that on her ship. It was.. Kinda funny. Would've been funnier if it wasn't her own ship, but hey, that's how it worked, right? One of the dock...
  11. Caltin Vanagor

    Approved Tech  Headset Microphone Comm-link

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an easier to handle, more mobile Comm-link Image Source: Canon Link: Comm-link Permissions: My Subs Primary Source: Comm-link PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Guardian Authority Ltd. Affiliation: Guardian Authority Ltd...
  12. J


  13. bossaka orvaski


    hello there
  14. Elysium Eternal

    Dominion  He is no longer a Buc: The Fall of Ekun Vagabond Pt. 1 (Elys. Dom of Empty hex Northwest of Spindle VI)

    Ekun Vagabond, a Buccaneer, a Vampire, and a thorn in the side of The Empire for far too long now. He and his pirate fleet have a base on an asteroid field, which is now Elysium-claimed territory. The asteroid field is important for navigation purposes, and thus many traders travel near it...
  15. N

    LFG  Looking for Introduction and Path, Some to All!

    Created this character after waiting for at least eight years since the start of last year. Wanted this character to be a bit more liberally free on who I am and what I wanted to do differently. While most of my characters are dark sided, I am more than willing to be more light sided than before...
  16. Psylo


    Just trying to understand exactly how this place functions, I've been having issues finding an avatar/character image since im not an artist and don't currently have money to pay for a commission. I've also been having some issues with the Sub Accounts im unable to log into them as i can't seem...
  17. Alina Tremiru

    Private  Where Is He

    It'd been too long since she last spoke to Arcturus Thesh. In the Sith, allies were hard to come by. Friends, more so. Did Alina truly consider him a friend though? It was hard for her to answer that. But he had been there for her when she needed to end the life of her own mother. Had he not, it...
  18. Spark Finn

    The Mystery of Why We Yawn: SOLVED

    Why We Yawn The human body exhibits many unusual behaviors, and foremost among them might be the yawn. An involuntary reflex that serves no clear purpose, yawning can sometimes seem like one of those strange physiological quirks that should’ve been phased out by evolution. But despite...
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