Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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herd meet

  1. Amani Serys

    Faction  Herd Meet over Ithor | Herdship Vonnuvi [Jedi, Humanitarians, Civilians]

    Vonnuvi Herdship, over Ithor Gatz Derrevar - Joran Olan - Jasper Kai'el - Alicio Organa - Kitter Bitters - Open The Ithorian people, so dedicated to the preservation of their natural homeworld, choose to live their lives in massive floating cities called herdships. Every three years, these...
  2. Amani Serys

    LFG  Herd Meet over Ithor - Social Thread + Faction Pitch/Intro

    Hey there! For those of you unfamiliar, I have been trying to build up the Vonnuvi Jedi Enclave (and the Vonnuvi as a whole) in a worthwhile RP space for like-minded writers for some time. So while is isn’t technically an introduction to either, I did want to use it as something of a soft...
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