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Entry 5 - Blade of Wrath
The Blade of Wrath is a swordfighting style that embodies the essence of Darth Imperius' philosophy: a perfect fusion of overwhelming power, calculated precision, and tactical dominance. It is a style that reflects the duality of its creator - brutal yet elegant...
Entry 2 - Domain of War
Mid-Rim | Senex Sector | Karfeddion
From the void erupted a light, a second, a third, a fourth. Many more followed as ships exited hyperspace in the light of the Karfeddion system and star. Their speartip-shaped hulls announcing the presence of what would eventually set...
Entry 1 - I Died Today
The sensation on Nathema felt different. It felt almost strange to let flow what had been kept inside for so long. The Dark side flowing freely through him was almost a breath of real air while before he had only access to the recycled system of a ship. It was a toxin, a...