Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. GhostKey

    Public  Undernet Stream: What it means to be a slicer. The Red Shift Renegade Signal Broadcast

    1st Red Shift Renegade Signal Broadcast up: Call-ins welcome, or just passing holonet (undernet) judgments :D. Drop any questions and you can assume the host asks it, unless you are a corpo (boo!) For other slicers, you...
  2. GhostKey

    Holonet  The Red Shift Renegade Signal

    Signal sending in 3.2.1… live. The Red Shift Renegade Signal #Datastamp 1 // What it means to be a slicer. OOC Thread Undernet feeds buzzed bright, breaking into a light bantha-blade synth-thrash beat, bassline rising to grind like a gravtrain on rusty rails. Suddenly neon blue strobes pulsed...
  3. U

    Character  Delete

  4. Credit Wizard

    Catalog  The Trade Federation - HoloNet Catalog

    Description: The creation of the Trade Federation started out as a dream, some say that an infant Gat Tambor always dreamed of such a thing yet never chased his dreams. Caught up in the creation and management of the Technoid Manufactorum, Tambor busied himself with the accumulation of power...
  5. Darth Dekaltis

    First Reply  <<Just Chatting!>> Super Chats on Nar Shadda????

    The girl walked the streets of Nar Shadda idly. To the outside observer, she was just muttering to herself, before finally letting out an exclaimation, once again, to herself. Within the dirty streets of the city, it was something to ignore. But to the girl in question, it was everything...
  6. Toltec

    Approved Location  ICEWALL | Eternal Prison of the Holonet

    I C E W A L L "Hope not ever to see Heaven. I have come to lead you to the other shore; into eternal darkness; into fire and into ice." OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a new location of conflict for the WAR OF THE UNDERWORLD mini-event. Image Credit: Tron Behance Concept...
  7. Angelus Hafey

    Catalog  Angelus Arms - Holonet Storefront *Closed Till Further Notice*

    Angelus Arms is a proud company in the tradition of the Hafey family linage. While most of Haon Hafeys lasting legacy has been lost or captured, we are still focusing on innovation, it comes out with products designed to amaze in warfare, as well as those in front of it. Below are our lineup of...
  8. Saro Nakaioma

    OBC Article #2 - Conflict on Mustafar

  9. 001-A-986 "Nix"

    Galactic holonet broadcast by Hades Corp

    tags: Ingrid L'lerim Pietro Demici faction involved in the broadcast discussion. House IO, CIS, Eternal Empire and the Ashlan Crusaders. The faint glow of a holo recorder ready to broadcast gave a faint shade of red to the dark chambers of Nix’s quarters. He had thought long and hard about this...
  10. H

    Open Market  Holo News Network - HNN

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: I made it with Adobe stock images Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: Parent Company - GalactiCOM Holocommunications Location: HoloNet News HQ CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Holo News Network (HNN) Headquarters: Galactic City Coruscant -...
  11. C

    CAD Increase Funding in Social Services!

    Good evening citizens of Denon. Crime rates in Denon continue to soar as CorpSec struggles to maintain peacekeeping duties under aggressive scrutiny of the Galactic Alliance. Corporate think tanks have brought forth a bill to introduce the testing of social services in the Midnight Zone. A...
  12. H

    News HNN Presents: New Star Reporter Deena Mott!

    HNN is proud to present the newest member of our HoloNet News Team: Deena Mott! Deena has several years experience as a field reporter. The Hapan woman is passionate about her work and cares about others. You can learn more about Deena here. If you would like to be interviewed by the HoloNet...
  13. Jasper Kai'el

    Approved Location  Abandoned HoloNet Facility, Corellia

    ABANDONED HOLONET FACILITY, CORELLIA OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: This is an old HoloNet facility that I plan for my character, Jasper Kai'el, to send a warning transmission to the Galaxy on about the Hutt Space Consortium. Image Credit: Artist: Jean-Philippe Martel...
  14. Jasper Kai'el

    Question  About using the Holonet tag...

    My character recently discovered that a lot of criminal organizations are beginning to work together, done in the Rise of the Hutt Space Consortium thread. I've been thinking about how he would feasibly go about getting this information out, and one of these was that he would send out an...
  15. U

    Public  I'm not a lady, I'm a journalist

    HNN Headquarters Mr. White, the editor and chief of the HNN digi paper was staring out at the Coruscanti skyline with a troubled soul. His star investigative reporter was missing. She had been undercover investigating a criminal syndicate and had suddenly gone silent. “Sir perhaps she just...
  16. Kal

    Open Market  Sith+ Entertainment Conglomerate

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Disney+ Logo, edited by yours truly. Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: Sith+ Streaming Service CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Sith+ Entertainment Conglomerate Headquarters: Itinerant, formerly Dromund Kaas. Locations: Various sets and...
  17. Aiko Hayata

    Open Market  Sekiko Kaibatsu black market holonet page

  18. Osric Tev Sable

      TECER Network

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify the central intelligence network and universal databank of Sable Interplanetary. Image Source: N/A Canon Link: Artificial Intelligence, HoloNet, Network Access, Analytical Computer, Computer Core, Master Control Computer, Quantum Computer...
  19. Saro Nakaioma

    Approved Location  HoloNet News Headquarters

    Intent: Headquarters for HoloNet News (Kitter Bitters ) Image Credit: Artist Credit [1] | Artist Credit [2] | Banners by Me Canon: Not Applicable Permissions: Here Links: Not Applicable Structure Name: HoloNet News Headquarters Classification: Office Building Location: Galactic City...
  20. Kitter Bitters

    Request  Help Creating an Holo Net Headquarters Codex Submission?

    I wanted to sub a building for the HoloNet Headquarters but I'm notoriously bad at these things. Is there anybody that really likes doing submissions who might help? I have a few things sorted already. Here is an image to what it would look like I know it should have these elements: A...
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