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Intent: To create an elite body-guard droid for the Confederate military
Image Source: Here!
Canon Link: B2 Super Battledroid
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source: N/A
Manufacturer: Free Givin Manufacturing Caucus
Affiliation: The Confederacy...
To Caelan Valoren , Of the Jetii
The battlefield, in all its chaos and fury, can reveal the true soul of a warrior, and in you, Caelan, I have witnessed a steadfastness that deserves both respect and reflection. Like the oak that stands tall amidst the tempest, you do not bend to mere impulse...
It was a somber affair as the Sith Order gathered to honor those of their warriors which had fallen in battle. The citizens of Echnos City had seen the worst of it, the devastation which had been caused because the Galactic Alliance dared to overstep their border. War had seemed the inevitable...
Location: Atrisia, Core Worlds, Alliance Space
"In my professional opinion, I'd say this man was murdered."
The body was splayed facedown on the ground, the blood that had pooled around it had begun to dry, the bright crimson dulling to a dark red-brown color. "Master, is now really the time to...
| Location | Kaddak
| Objective | Await the arrival of a friend.
Jenn never thought she would return to Kaddak. Many years had passed since her last visit on that world, and the company she had kept... thinking of them brought her nothing but melancholy.
Shai. Kranak. Gwyneira. Eliz.
In spite...
House Mecetti has recently hit the IC scene, and this faction is looking for talent to flesh out its ranks.
Things we could use:
1) A dark apprentice for Senator Maldor Mecetti, who works primarily on Coruscant but constantly finds reasons to go places as a 'Senator on the Scene' collecting...
Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tag: Valery Noble
Minerva Fhirdiad, fully clad in her armor, marched upon the wide path leading to the temple's entrance yards away. Each stride she made felt heavy yet Minerva pressed on. As a structure it was impressive she admitted, wondering how many times it had...
Planet Corscuant, Level 1313
Tag: Kayl Krayt
Above speeder engines roared on with a distant siren that declared some kind of emergency. Below at a filth infested street there were a few bystanders trying to keep themselves warm by a burning destroyed astromech with its dome and contents gone...
H O U S E • R E N O U X
Wearing: xxx
Tag: Roxy Renoux | Aito
Justice, Courage, Integrity, Respect, Honesty, Honor, and Loyalty, the tenets every Justicar lived to uphold. While their houses and nobles each held their own code of honor, these principles were the same for all. It made the...
There are something’s that the “good folks” of the galaxy want to get done that might not look so good for them if they are actually involved.
I am looking to create a new character that is a former soldier turned mercenary. He will have been a soldier for a more “evil” faction who has had a...
fa-play fa-pause
Zati. Another world that Kyyrk was not immediately familiar with. But one he was quickly growing accustomed to. A waypoint stop between the Ascendancy and the forgotten world of Ethereia. Sources suggested the world was of some strategic value to the Khanate. Since their...
Locale: Lyran IV
Objective: Provide Assistance to captured Kryze/Negotiate Release
Equipment: Beskar'Gam, Erlang Spear, VAARS Rifle, Spicer Slicer Droids, PRED-X Tracking droid, Wyrm Bone Blade
This place could've been an interesting locale to go off the...
Dromund Kaas, Five Years Ago
To be united by hatred is such a fragile alliance though perhaps the fragility and fickleness found in those that follow their ways is inherent in the teachings. Still, as volatile as the loyalties of a Sith was, there was still a brotherly bond to be made in war...
So I felt that I needed to post this song. I've been planning to share it somewhere for a while and just couldn't think of the words to go along with this post. Truth is, this song speaks for itself. I guess seeing a Civil War reenactment inspires...
Custom Image Coming Soon(tm)
Name: House Mereel
Aliit'Buir: Ijaat Akun
House Mereel was once a large and prosperous House in the Mandalorian culture, with many of it's constituent clans being famed and powerful forces within the Mando'ade in their own right, but still owing...