Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Echo Athoth

    First Reply  The Shadow of the House Atop a Hill | Naboo

    The Shadow of the House Atop a Hill Naboo Tags: Open Echo Athoth's Locket, Epo-1 Interceptor Echo had only just begun acclimating herself to life on Naboo and she was already inundated with things to do. The Order of Shiraya really had been in need of archivists and record-keepers, which had...
  2. Eloise Dinn

    Private  The Yellow Brick House

    TA'A CHUME'DAN, HAPES Continuation of the Crisis... Eloise raced through the rain, the repulsors of her speeder blasting puddles as it scraped around a street corner. The city was still on fire, perhaps even more so as GA forces went to war against the Hapans. The radio, tuned to intergalactic...
  3. Sibylla Abrantes

    Character  Sibylla Abrantes of House Abrantes

    SIBYLLA ABRANTES Theme résilience Full Name Sibylla Ynez Abrantes Alias(es) Nez Age 17 Character Class(es) Politician Noble Homeworld Naboo Rank(s) Junior Senatorial Advisor Faction(s) Royal Naboo Republic Affiliation(s) Royal Naboo Republic House Abrantes Junior...
  4. Caltin Vanagor

    Approved Location  House Angellus

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make a flesh out an old house on Naboo for the Angellus family Image Credit: One is here , The other is here Canon: N/A Permissions: My Characters starting with this guy, Joran Del-Finn and his characters SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: Angellus...
  5. Yuria Braay

    Private  House of Spider

    Andosha II The streets of Andosha II were like a dizzying maze of chaos, street vendors sold misshapen dried fish, run down cantinas housed drunks and mercenaries all the while thugs stood guard outside spice dens and hideouts of organized crime that infected the planet. Andosha II was once a...
  6. Serina Calis

    Approved Lore  House Calis

    HOUSE CALIS "HEARKEN OUR WORDS, OR BEFELL TO OUR WHIM" OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To establish House Calis as a prominent noble family with a dual legacy of public loyalty to the Old Republic, now Galactic Alliance and secret allegiance to the Sith Empire. This submission highlights...
  7. Agatha Io

    Private  House Bloodscrawl: The Medic

    Wearing: Medical Shroud Armed With: Ancient Fusion Pistol Equipment: Biotech Toolkit Objective: Check up on the Model 0 units It was over. Laertia Io's grand experiment had collapsed into civil war. A split that could not be reconciled between those who would continue to follow the...
  8. Arianna Belasko

    Approved NPC  Defector Veterans

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a Heavy trooper unit Image Credit: Role: To serve as feared Remnant Shock Units that are highly adept at survival Permissions: N/A Links: N/A GENERAL...
  9. Laertia Io

    Percival-Series Radiation Carbine

    Intent: To create a blaster rifle. Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Sword Herald Special Purpose Enterprises, Gun-Works of Epica Affiliation...
  10. Delsin Shaw

    Open Market  House of Trinkets (HoT)

    Company Creation Template OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: House of Trinkets Headquarters: Scarif Locations: The Sun Furnace - Lightly mobile station used by the "Order of the Few" The Bastard's...
  11. Coren Starchaser

    Public  Kattada Open House

    Kattada Enclave was a varied organization. Some Jedi, some Force users who were not Jedi, but at least were centered on the light side and against the dark side, and even some non-Force users who were at the world and the Enclave to help the Light side, or even just using the Enclave's...
  12. Casteban Mecetti

    Approved Starship  House Mecetti Tie/ha Mk II 'Jester' Heavy Starfighter Production Model

    Tie/ha 'Jester' Heavy Attack Starfighter Mk II Production Model OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a rare advanced heavy attack starfighter for characters that wish to punch above their weight in fleet combat. Image Source: Canon Link: N/A...
  13. Corhaa Iredunn

    Work In Progress  Sarula Iliene: House Iredunn Throneworld

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: The intent of this submission is to flesh out Corhaa's planet and to give it more of a backstory. It is also so other members of the community can view it as well. Image Credit: Canon: N/A...
  14. Jonah

    Private  Is There a Doctor in the House?

    NAR SHADDAA Turf wars were not uncommon. In fact, one could say that was the default setting of the Galaxy. One group with a lot of men and firepower say "this rock is mine." Another group, with a lot of men and firepower, say "piss off, this rock is mine." Queue the carnage. So long as there...
  15. B

    News  Character of the Month - July, Darth Malum of House Marr

    Congratulations to the winner of his month’s character of the month vote: Darth Malum of House Marr Congrats Celebration song:
  16. Vita of House Marr

    Character  Vita, of House Marr

    Vita, of House Marr Age 14 Species Human Gender Male Height 173 cm Weight 76 kg Force Sensitive Yes PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Unseasonably pale, Vita has spent most of his life indoors, which has also kept his skin as unblemished and as unwounded as can be expected of a rising Sith...
  17. Marcus Voss

    Approved NPC  Jace Voss | House of Voss

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To flesh out House Voss and Marcus's family Image Credit: (x) Role: Lord of House Voss; Father to Marcus Permissions: N/A Links: House Voss PHYSICAL INFORMATION Age: 68 Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User Species: Human; Alderaani Appearance: Image above...
  18. Marcus Voss

    Approved Lore  House of Voss

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To establish the House of Marcus Voss Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original artist if possible. Each image used must be credited...
  19. Marcus Voss

    Work In Progress  The House of Voss

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To establish the House of Marcus Voss Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original artist if possible. Each image used must be credited...
  20. Mordecai Zambrano

    Public  Open House

    Judile Redoubt, Praesitlyn [ Image Source ] --- "So, let me verify that our priorities are straight. We're wanting something large enough to house several hundred, if not thousands, of people? A home that dominates the better part of a square mile? A structurally sound and utterly defensible...
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