Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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house rodarch

  1. Tuur of Clan Rodarch

    Character  Alor Tuur Rodarch

    TUUR RODARCH Age 18 Species Human Gender Female Height 1.7 m Weight 55 kg Force Sensitive No PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Dark skinned with dark eyes, wears her hair medium length. Tuur wears a comprehensive beskar'gam with an integrated repeating belt-fed railgun, painted in red and...
  2. Arla Rodarch

    Approved Starship  [PKA] Schmetterling

    Source STANDARD FEATURES Astromech Slot Communications Suite Countermeasures Navicomputer Hyperdrive Repulsorlifts Scanner Package Sublight Engines Tractor Beams ADVANCED SYSTEMS High Capacity Shield Generator Powerful Tractor Beams STRENGTHS Extremely fast Very maneuverable WEAKNESSES...
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