Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Xazzex Xivar

    Hydra Systems

    Image Source: DefiantArt Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A Corporation Name: Hydra Systems Headquarters: Falleen Locations: Roon, Ryloth Operations: Logistics, Shipping, Distribution, Warehousing, Ship & Droid Repair Parent Corporation: Leviathan Ring [Unofficially] Subsidiaries: N/A...
  2. Braze

    Approved Tech  SS Hydra Shard Homing Torpedo

    SPECIAL FEATURES Supercavitating Propulsion Sonar-Guided Targeting System Ion Explosive Warhead Ionized Water Casing STRENGTHS Extremely fast, making it difficult to intercept. WEAKNESSES Limited maneuverability at high speeds. DESCRIPTION The SS Hydra Shard Homing Torpedo is engineered...
  3. Vergessen Contii

    Approved Droid  E.M.P - Model: HYDRA

    [Source:] SPECIAL FEATURES The mechanisms that allow the "Made Men" to insert multiple different attachments are also capable of interlocking with other cybernetic limbs. This heralded the design of the...
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