Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Mia Monroe

    Faction  Haat, ijaat, haa'it (Mandalorian Protectors)

    Already, even with so few, their efforts were beginning to take shape. The city of Keldabe was nothing close to what it was, half of its building were still rubble, but they'd managed to get the spaceport up and running, its landing bays were starting to fill with old reclaimed ships. Relics...
  2. Arla Rodarch

    Private  Unknown Possibilities (Ijaat)

    Serenno - Government District Star Port - Bar and Grill It had been a shitty few days for Arla. Dealing with bureaucrats was never pleasant, and she'd been demolishing many petty kingdoms in her winnowing through the UGF's intelligence ministry. Three days of meetings, mostly firing those who...
  3. Ijaat Mereel

    Private  Thinking By The Fire

    Objective: Write a Book Tags: Runi Kuryida fa-play fa-pause His bes'runi armor hummed and faintly shone, neatly placed on an armor stand in the corner, a rack holding various bladed weapons from a dozen cultures for the swordsman. On the desk near his hand sat a runi tome'tayl, a soft...
  4. Ijaat Mereel

    The Old Man(do) - Critique and thoughts!

    Ijaat has been around here a while, and is one of my oldest RP characters, and my oldest Star Wars face period. I'd love to get feedback on him from you guys as to your thoughts on his journey, his shift from NFU to FU years ago, and overall critique of how I write him. Thanks for any advice!
  5. Ijaat Mereel

    Private  Dire Luck

    Location: Gardius, in Aurelian City at the personal forge of Ijaat Mereel Like some ancient mural, Ijaat stood stripped of his armor, working the controls of the forge. An apron, long discarded in the heat, sat to the side over an armless chair of battered durasteel, long since mostly stripped...
  6. Ijaat Mereel

    Public  Where Everybody Knows Your Name...

    Location: Oyuu'baat Tavern. Keldabe - Mandalore. Music ... And they're never glad you came... It hadn't been hard. When he needed bes'manda, he knew where to go for it. Mandalore. To his old workshop, Beskar'yaim. The place was virtually abandoned and considered accursed by most sane...
  7. Julius Sedaire

    Sins of the Father... Location: Concord Dawn - Ruins of Mereel Compound Daymon wasn't quite sure why he was here, and grey-green eyes scanned what looked like a deserted ruin. Banners of red and gold were left half burnt and rotting on the ground, and proud walls were...
  8. Julius Sedaire

    Approved Tech  Holocron of the Iron Father

    Holocron of the Gar’buir Hazy break of day A ferrous, hard spine bends enjoying the sun OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make a lasting record of the knowledge of Ijaat Mereel Image Source: HERE Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: Holocron PRODUCTION...
  9. Julius Sedaire

    Approved Tech  Orikih'garm - Ijaat's Nanotech Armor

    Orikih'garm - The Little Iron Skin OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Personal armor for Ijaat Mereel Image Source: HERE (necklace) HERE ('Iron Fett' by Kenneth Polly) Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: If needed Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer...
  10. Julius Sedaire

    And What About Very Old Friends? It had been a long time since Ijaat had seen his one-time apprentice and old friend. Even longer since he had been on Alderaan. But when you were going back to yourself, as he was trying to do, you shambled back to your roots. And the last time he had...
  11. Julius Sedaire


    Cuyan'solus OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Self-Made Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A WORKSHOP INFORMATION Workshop Name: Cuyan'solus (Lone Survivor) Location: Kuar Specialty: Force Imbued Relics & Curious (from weapons to things like a Force Vision projecting watch...
  12. Julius Sedaire

    Approved Tech  Runi Tome'tayl

    Runi Tome'tayl [CENTER] OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make a curio to remember Mandalore as it should be Image Source: Here Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A (Covered by Armatech specialization) Primary Source: Holocron PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Ijaat Merel &...
  13. Julius Sedaire

    Approved Tech  Madog Steel

    Madog Steel Image Source: HERE Intent: To create a unique metal for use by Force Crafters/Imbuers Development Thread: The Forge Fires Burn Bright (20 posts) Manufacturer: Tem Madog, Ancient Je’daii Metallurgists, Ijaat Mereel Model: N/A Affiliation: Closed Market (Those Ijaat Mereel...
  14. Julius Sedaire

    Approved Tech  Gar'Buir Beskar'Gam

    Gar’buir Beskar'gam Image Source: HERE Intent: Factory Submission for Personal Armor For Ijaat PRODUCTION INFORMATION Development Thread: Salvaging Armor of Jaster Mereel (56 posts total) Salvaging: Beskar’baar - 24 Posts This Old Thing? - 10 Posts Legacy of a Murderer: Blood & Honor...
  15. Julius Sedaire

    Further Up, Further In...

    Location: Above Mandalore, Awaiting Transit It was time. Months and more had been spent healing, recovering, retraining his body. The patch still covered one eye, a bionic not quite devised that would work the way he liked it. The interior systems of his helmet more than made up for it when it...
  16. Julius Sedaire

    Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?

    Location: Sedaire Residence, former Guardian Academy, Socorro It had been ages since he and 'Stali had been in the same place when it wasn't a war zone. Honestly, he missed the man in an odd way. One could never really call the Aing-Tii their friends, not matter how long one spent with them...
  17. Julius Sedaire

    Forward into the past...

    Injuries still pained him, burning lines of sensation and agony from his fight with the murder tooth. Perhaps it had been fool-hardy, or perhaps it had been just the right thing. Regardless, most of those on the medical frigate had treated him like some man possessed. Always he had commanded...
  18. Julius Sedaire

    Makings of a man...

    It had came down to this, in the end.... Leaving the Clans, and leaving it all behind in wrath and ruin. Still he felt naked without the armor. Cool polished stone lay against the back of his head as he bit the cork on the tihaar bottle and tipped it back, drinking a long swig of desperation...
  19. Julius Sedaire

    Approved Tech  The Jada Blade

    The Jada Blade [CENTER][SIZE=48px] Image Source: Here Intent: Personal Force-Imbued Blade for Ijaat. Development Thread: If Needed Manufacturer: Ijaat Mereel Model: N/A Affiliation: Personal Modularity: No Production: Unique Material: Durasteel, Bronzium, Worshyr Wood Classification: Sword...
  20. Julius Sedaire

    What does this button do?

    This little bistro wasn't a bad place, so far as Ijaat was concerned really. The room for rent above it was quaint, well outfitted, and the best of all, like most on a nameless backwater world just outside of Alliance space - they asked no question when a bladed guy with a shotgun came up to...
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