Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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imperial force corps


    Campaign  In Pursuit of Ghosts | NIO Imperial Knights

    I M P E R I A L _ K N I G H T S I N _ P U R S U I T _ O F _ G H O S T S THE OUTER RIM MALA Mala. It was a storied world, as desolate as it was it'd meant that many ignored its blip on many holomaps but all the same, Mala was a site paramount to Galactic history. The very planet which played...
  2. Mavia

    Character  Mavia Anjuu Wymar - Force Corps Imperial Knight

  3. Imperial Warlord Zovesa

    Codex Denied  Imperial Force Codex [NIO | Imperial Force Corps]

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create the codex by which the Imperial Force Corps Knights are bound to, adding to the RP of Knights having to walk the line of militant force power utilization and not falling to the Darkside Image Credit: Entirely created by me on Photoshop Canon: N/A...
  4. Imperial Warlord Zovesa


    WHO ARE THE NEW IMPERIAL ORDER IMPERIAL FORCE CORPS? Led by their formidable Chiss High Knight Marshal, Zovesa, the Imperial Force Corps, or just Force Corps, are a military arm of the New Imperial Order's (NIO) Armed Forces that commanded solely by Force Users. However, it is not just Force...
  5. Imperial Warlord Zovesa

    Faction  Guts, Sulfur, and Stygium [Tales From The Front | Aeten II]

    Guts, Sulfur, and Stygium [Tales From The Front | Aeten II] SET AFTER DOM OF THE KRIEG HEX High Knight Marshal Zovesa buried the flickering white beam of her lightsaber into the armored insectoid cranium of the Kubaza Beetle that had rammed her. She had caught the onrushing beast’s visage...
  6. Imperial Warlord Zovesa

    Zovesa Is Ready! Are You? [NIO Poster]

  7. Imperial Warlord Zovesa

    Factory Denied  Basileus Battlecruiser [NIO | Imperial Force Corps]

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a powerful Flagship for Zovesa and her Fleet Admiral to personally command for the Imperial Force Corps' Crusader Fleet Image Source: DSGC Art [Here] Angel Hsiao Compellor Class [x] Galactic Empire Crest w/ laurels Here First New Imperial Crusader...
  8. Imperial Warlord Zovesa

    Approved Lore  First New Imperial Crusader Fleet [NIO | Imperial Force Corps]

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create the Fleet that the Imperial Force Corps will be based on as their HQ Image Credit: Banner Art: Angel Hsiao Compellor Class [x] Procursator Class [x] Insignia Art: Galactic Empire Crest w/ laurels Here First New Imperial Crusader Fleet Art...
  9. Imperial Warlord Zovesa

    LFG  Looking For Stormtroopers! [NIO | Force Corps]

    \\JOIN THE IMPERIAL FORCE CORPS AUXILIA FORCES\\ Introduction With the approval of the Imperial Force Corps Lore Submission, I am looking to find RPers who want to RP the attached Stormtroopers, Scout Troopers, and Heavy Storm Troopers who make up the Auxilia Regiments. The Regiments make up...
  10. Imperial Warlord Zovesa

    Character  New Imperial Warlord Vyaz'oves'aissar

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