Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Aculia Voland

    Faction  [EOTL, Ossus] Gardens of the Grand Inquisitor

    [Inspired by Laphisto's various threads tied together by chapters, this is a general meeting thread for the Aculia Voland based on Ossus. If you would like a meeting or a permit to apply to visit Ossus as those will be handled in this thread, just DM/Discord me!] Gardens of the Grand Inquisitor...
  2. Cardtiger

    LFG  The Call of the Inqusitorius

    Hello to everyone, I’m making this thread as a check for anyone looking to make an Inquisitor character. I represent the Empire of the Lost, and recently we have been working on building up our Inquisitor stuff for upcoming stories. Currently, as an inquisitor, your role will be to investigate...
  3. Vyllia Santhe

    Approved Starship  Star Courier II

    Image Source:Wookieepedia STANDARD FEATURES Dual Ion Engines Dual Front-mounted Laser Cannons Medical equipment Hypercomm array Squadron Count: None: 1 Hyperdrive: Class 3.0 ADVANCED SYSTEMS SSDS_11-A Hyperdrive System STRENGTHS Easily modified to the usage of the owner Quick and...
  4. M

    Character  Malva'ikh Dralidok

    MALVA'IKH Theme def rebel - Head of the Table (Piano Mix) | Travis Scott - MY EYES (Second Half Extended) | Yeat - If We Being Real Full Name Malva'ikh Dralidok Alias(es) The Scourge of Everon NEPHILIM Title(s) Dark Side Elite Class(es) Inquisitor Origin Everon Age Mid 40s...
  5. Kaleb Sunwalker

    Character  Kaleb Sunwalker

    KALEB SUNWALKER Theme Inquisitor Theme | EPIC VERSION Full Name Kaleb 'Kal' Sunwalker Alias(es) Unknown Title(s) Jedi Knight, Dark Jedi Knight Class(es) Jedi Guardian, Inquisitor Origin Coruscant Age 25 Rank(s) Jedi Knight, Jedi Guardian, Dark Side Elite, Inquisitor...
  6. Mic Gallagher

    Character  Amena Kader 2.0

    AMENA KADER Music Dance of Night Full name Amena Lailah Kader Aliases Viper Mena Class(es) Imperial Knight-Templar Inquisitor Birthplace Kandara Age Adult Personality Traits Witty Loyal Charismatic Classy Snobbish Reckless Stubborn Education Traits Knowledgeable Minx Lifestyle...
  7. DarthLord

    Character  Elidan Reirick

    Elidan Reirick Age 35 Species Human Gender Male Height 1.87 Meters (6'2") Weight 90.71 Kilograms (200 LBS) Force Sensitive Yes PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Drawing from the Empire of old, Elidan has taken to the dark armor and cloak of the Inqisitorious quite well. Tall and muscular...
  8. The Dark Inquisitor

    Character  The Dark Inquisitor - She Who Has No Name

    The Dark Inquisitor Age 16 years Species Half Zabrak Gender Female Height 5ft 8 inches Weight 125 lb Force Sensitive Force Sensitive/ Force Wound Notable Quotes "I am the Darkness in which all Life Dies!" screamed the Dark Inquisitor. "All Life exists simply to sacrifice itself...
  9. Jegy Sesara

    Approved Tech  Inquisition Slugthrower DN-1

    Nothing Beats A Personal Touch OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To allow the Inquisition and select others, a way to fight back Force Users. Image Source: Here Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Jegy Sesara Affiliation: Jegy Sesara...
  10. Jegy Sesara

    Approved Tech  Jegy's Inquisitor Lightsaber

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To finally showcase a lightsaber from Jegys Past, his Inquisitors Lightsaber and only one that does not break. Image Source: Here, Recolored by a Friend. Canon Link: Here Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Jegy Sesara...
  11. Darth Temerant

    LFG  Inquisitor Seeking Connections

    Looking to find some folks with whom to write some fun stories! Though my character belongs to the Sith Order, he is very much not limited to/by it. I have set him up in a way in which he is capable of adopting multiple identities and can even pass as a non-force user amongst force-sensitive...
  12. G

    Character  Garris Corrack || Inquisitor

    G A R R I S C O R R A C K Voice The Inquisitor Birthplace Naboo Faction The Empire Rank Knight Templar - Inquisitor Species Arkanian Status Alive Gender Male Age 28 Height 6'1 Weight 85kg Hair Colour White Eye Colour Steel Grey Skin Color Pale Force Sensitive Yes...
  13. V

    Character  Inquisitor Volturius

    I N Q U I S I T O RV O L T U R I U S NAME: Unknown ALIAS: Volturius SPECIES: Unknown HOMEWORLD: Unknown AGE: Unknown GENDER: Male HEIGHT: 6'4" (1.95m) WEIGHT: 85 kg (196 lbs) EYE COLOR: Unknown HAIR COLOR: Unknown RELATIVES: Unknown LANGUAGES: Galactic Basic, High Galactic, Many others...
  14. Mugiwara no Luffy

    Approved NPC  The Thirteenth Sister

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: She is a NPC villain who haunts Jacen Law and threatens his training as a Jedi. Image Credit: Role: She will hunt after Jacen and antagonize he and his companions on their journeys. Permissions: N/A Links: N/A PHYSICAL INFORMATION Age: 26 Force...
  15. F

    Work In Progress  Inquisitorius Combat Armor

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a standard issue armored uniform for all regular Inquisitors. Image Source: Artstation Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Affiliation: Market Status: Closed Market Model: Inquisitorius Combat...
  16. M

    Private  It's Nun of Your Business

    Location: Coruscant Jedi Temple Objective: Speak with someone about Valery Tags: Valery Noble Dagon Kaze Briana Sal-Soren Aayla Shan Iris Arani White vapor trailed from her lips in the wind of the great melting pot of a planet. It was overwhelming for some perhaps, she found solace knowing...
  17. The Dark Inquisitor

    Approved NPC  Death Squad - Envoys of the Dark Inquisitor

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a Squad of Death/ Purge Trooper Hybrids for the Dark Inquisitor from Kinhaes' vision. Image Credit: DeviantArt, Pinterest Role: This Unit's role is to act as the personal squad of the Dark Inquisitor, during Battle, Searches for Targets, and other...
  18. The Dark Inquisitor

    Approved Tech  Vision Armor - Sith Inquisitor Armor

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To sub armor that Kinhaes has had visions of during her time as a Jedi Image Source: DeviantArt + Wookieepedia Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Heavy Battle Armor PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Unknown - future Kinhaes in Vision...
  19. Ignatius

    Approved Tech  Ignatius's Imperial Inquisitor Lightsaber

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a Lightsaber that epitomizes the Second Brother's part as an Inquisitor, and Imperial Knight within the NIO, and to replace other weaponry that was deemed "unfit" for him. Image Source: Artstation - Joaquin Bozicovich Canon Link: Imperial Knight...
  20. A

    Character  Deleted Character

    Deleted Character
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