Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Thomas Barran

    Subfaction  An Interview with the Khan (A Carlac News Exclusive) KOTM/DE

    A CARLAC NEWS EXCLUSIVE AN INTERVIEW WITH THE KHAN [THEME] Documentarian: Arun Melor Exerpt: EXCLUSIVES - PART 45 Release: Fall, 903 ABY After a long run of dangerous, long-winded spaceport exchanges, I finally found my way to the only known Khanate Headquarters in the Deep Core, and as much...
  2. Serena Harth

    Holonet  Serena Harth Live: Kha'la Daaray, Queen Mother of Hapes

    Kha'la Daaray - [Closed] As morbid as it was, Serena's career had been propelled years ahead by her coverage of the Hapan royal murders. She had recorded everything, and relayed key information via firsthand account. It gave her a reputation amongst her peers as a dauntless pursuer for truth...
  3. Serena Harth

    LFG  Airing out your dirty laundry

    Hey all, Serena here is a character I've been planning to write for awhile. She's an investigative journalist, and my first written PC to be the child of a previous PC of mine! Now that she's covered the already infamous Hapan wedding assassinations, her career opportunities are gonna start...
  4. The Nobody

    Approved Lore  ANOMALY REPORT #135 - Radio Ghost

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To depict the outcome of the thread LOST SIGNAL Image Credit: N/A Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: LOST SIGNAL - Warning from the Static GENERAL INFORMATION Event Name: "Anomaly Report #135" Event Specific Links: [Link to thread above] Location: Wild...
  5. Stomme Kleine Kikker

    Private  An Interview with a Master

    It wasn't often that Stomme got the chance to do an interview. His office, often neglected by the Gungan, overlooked the business district that he worked in. Rogue magazine had a golden opportunity here. An interview with the Sword of the Jedi. "Come in, come in." Stomme spoke, offering Valery...
  6. Veshok Rook

    Private  The Welcome Interview

    The Welcome Interview The war had been declared and its first battle had been fought. The damage caused in the initial attack had been immense. Extensive damage to infrastructure and people's livelihoods had been devastating and the Galactic Alliance was hard at work, trying to mend what had...
  7. Valery Noble

    HNN Interview — Valery Noble

    Subscribe here to follow this exclusive Interview! Brought to you by Holly Starstorm
  8. Ulrich

    Private  Interview with a vampi....dragon?

    Puppet shows are something of a dead art. Every so often someone will, of course, dredge them up as a novelty, or as part of cultural revival. My interest in such matters caused me to search up performances on the holonet. Everything from the low Punch and Judy shows of old Urth to the high...
  9. U

    LFG  Information of Faction Leaders

    Holly is working on a current events column and would love some ideas about what the factions (major and minor) are currently up to. Would any faction leaders or even well involved members like to fill me in on Discord? I can take what you say and release it as Holly. my discord is : #...
  10. Frank Sterling

    Private  Interview with Nyxeris

    objective: Interviewing the new hire. With Frank inheriting the role of owner of Hades Corp came with it alot of responsiblilitys namely focusing on other things to expand the company and unfortunatly for Ty the privous owner Frank had to expand the companies employment so that it could get...
  11. A

    Private  Ferry Ride

    Shora the Shameless COME ALONE. INTERVIEW. FIVE DAYS. TAKE A RIDE: . . . Shora would receive word back on the job, firstly the interview, about a day and a half after he passed his name along. It came back with instructions attached, along with a holoticket for a ride in a cargo ship across...
  12. A

    Private  Fire and..

    Brimstone COME ALONE. INTERVIEW. FOUR DAYS. FREEHOLD WESMAN FACTORY 033 The Gen'dai would receive word on the job overnight. The interview mentioned beforehand in the details was ready and open for him on the planet of Freehold. The exact coordinates led to an old infrastructural district...
  13. A

    Private  Cantina Blues

    "Artemis" SBD-571 It wouldn't take too long for a response to come back to the war droid. It was simple and quick to the point, probably relayed by mouth to someone working in communications. COME ALONE. INTERVIEW. FIVE DAYS. UGG'S CANTINA. That was all that was given via slip of paper aside...
  14. A

    Private  Starry Night

    Bao Quayan COME ALONE. INTERVIEW. THREE DAYS. COORDINATES FOLLOW AS: . . . A message would be returned to Bao within the day, surprisingly. It carried with it a simple message. Come alone, come ready for an interview, and be there in three days. A line of coordinates followed immediately...
  15. Jake Groundrunner

    Major Faction  Groundrunner For Chancellor: Exclusive Interview | The Galactic Alliance

    The camera panned over to a small table, chairs on either side. A few seconds past before men entered from each side of the screen. First to sit down was Josh Inust, host of The Daily Coruscant. Next to sit down was a man than not many knew, but held quite a bit of reputation within the...
  16. S

    Public  Starstruck: 1.1 "Loreena Arenais"

    "Good evening and welcome to the first episode of many on the Independent Galactic News holonetwork's newest night talkshow; Starstruck! I am your beloved and most humble host, Salacious Rafford. Now on this show you will bear witness to in depth interviews that promise to reveal surprises! So...
  17. Adhira Chandra

    Interview with Senator Chandra RE: Skako Election

    "Welcome back. I'm Oba Rautha and this is HoloNet News. If you're just joining us, I am joined this evening by Adhira Chandra, Senator from the planet of Balmorra. Now, Senator, before the break we were discussing the current ideological 'battle lines' that have formed in the Senate. You are...
  18. Credius Nargath

    Control the Chaos: the freedom in between

    L'état, c'est moi "The very core of being a good to make the people belive that's exactly what you are," The man smiled at the camera, a charming and almost seductive smile from a man looking far younger than his actual age. Already closing in on his sixties with every passing...
  19. A

    Interview Log 003: The Fires of Progress

    Though there was a desire to make each message Akilah sent to each interviewee personal she stared at her first message she made to interview the gentleman she'd later know as Jorus Merrill and found that it told it all. She changed a few things here and there, but the message served it's...
  20. A

    Interview Log 002: Pics or it Didn't Happen

    There was no way that could be real. Just no way. "I'll apparate you into the Netherworld." It had to be some holonet troll. Yet somehow Akilah still had doubts. Her answers, though horrific and terrifying, were remarkably consistent with each other. The answers all denoted a mixture of messiah...
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