Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Kazian Blackwood

    Public  A Galaxy of Intrigue

    A GALAXY OF INTRIGUE A Countdown to Coruscant Story A galaxy of intrigue abounds as political tensions boil to another series of interstellar wars breaking out across the galaxy. The Dark Empire has succeeded in a lightning strike occupation of the Deep Core, and the galaxy holds its...
  2. DM Player-Slayer

    Private  [1] - The Quest for Veil Essence [Lothal]- [Crimson Reavers]

    OOc: Please dm me and ask if you wish to join and I will coordinate your character in. OOC: You must ask to join. There is no post-order. First come first serve. Compete with one another or work together. The choice is yours and yours alone. LOCATION: Lothal TAGS: Jasper Kai'el / Solarus...
  3. Tibera Jessen

    Private  Intrigue of the Royals

    There were a lot of ways to end up on the bounty board. Robbery, piracy, and murder were all very common ways for scum to end up on the galaxy's long list of wanted targets. What was much rarer was finding some one with a non-violent streak on the hit list. That was the case with Princess Amaru...
  4. Sylas Taff

    Private  A Medical Intrigue

    Sylas stepped of the drop ship onto the surface of Naboo. He was deep in GA territory which wasn't normal for him but he had heard along the grape vine that most medicinal upgrades came from Naboo particularly due to their new medical production facilities. Sylas wore a green suit he had worn...
  5. Kel Se'Taav

    LFG  Political Intrigue

    My muse for Kel has been resurrected, so I'm on the hunt for new stories! Here's a few ideas, but feel free to hit me up for anything :) Did the Party War Die? | Honestly. I'm not sure if the inter-party conflicts between the Corporatists and, like, everybody else was ever officially...
  6. Wu Yeoh-Mei

    Faction  Political Intrigue Lessons

    The petite jedi master stood there.. she had enjoyed the beauty of the silver rest but there was something to it here.. THey had room for classes and much much more that they would be able to do. There was always a chance for combat classes or some force skill but there was a need... a jedi...
  7. Kragr Krayt

    Private  Lore Intrigue

    Sector 06 |~ Industrial ~ Works Halls of the Forgemasters Tag: Valery Noble | Location: Tor Valum fa-play fa-pause It was a long time since Kragr had been back to civilisation. In truth, it was weird being around other Mandalorians since the rise and fall of the Mandalorian Union. A man...
  8. N

    Mission  Intrigue on Quesh

    INTRIGUE ON QUESH With the Brotherhood of the Maw on the run after the Tython Debacle. The Rise of the Techno Magorum Tribe has now begun with the development & production of Quani Venom. A highly addictive variant of the Venenit Queshaaga otherwise known as Quesh Venom. Instead of providing...
  9. Kay-Larr

    The Hour Draws Near-But it May Already Be Too Late

    [member="Mig Gred"] [member="Vhei Wasp Naudir"] [member="Karsan Calnov"] There was a dark shadow among the Mandalorians. And Kay didn't like it. At first she had figured that the Mandalorians were okay with it all, but during the ball held by the Sith Empire, it was proven to her that not...
  10. Kay-Larr

    Looking For Mandos that Dislike Sith

    As the title suggests, I'm looking for some Mandos (Alors or not) that don't like the Sith. Hate is such a strong word ;) Maybe they disapprove of the Mandos' close ties with the Sith Empire? Either way, feel free to drop me a PM or comment here :) I have an old plot in the works that could use...
  11. S

    Intrigue, Crime, Slicing... Oh my!

    Hey guys, I'm back after a long hiatus and my muse for RP is as fresh as it could be. I'm looking for anybody who would like to write some military plots, politics or solving crime. I prefer action, rather than characters just talking and like to write missions and adventures. Sebastian does...
  12. Scherezade deWinter

    What Games are Played [PM if interested]

    N E W C O V The Confederacy of Independent Systems was a body that never slept. With the amount of territory there influence covered, there was never a situation in which a large portion of the planets within it chose to rest at the same time. With great power comes great responsibility, and...
  13. Natasi Fortan

    Secrets, Lies and Suicides | Lowe & Fortan

    It had been one of the most curious exchanged Natasi had ever seen in all her years of government. She couldn't stop replaying it in her mind, seeing the way that [member="The Major"] came out swinging at [member="Madelyn Lowe"] for the apparent sin of proposing a perfectly reasonable use for...
  14. S

    Looking for Stories

    Well I'm back here again, all my threads are posted to and I have room for new ones! I'm looking to write stories with any characters. I'm interested in odd duos and Sebastian hanging around with unlikely sorts and helping people more vulnerable than himself. I also like to write company stuff...
  15. Natasi Fortan

    The Ladies Who Lunch | The Major & Natasi Fortan

    The red boxes were getting emptier. Not in terms of actual sheets of flimsiplast pages -- no, there was as much to sift through as ever. But what was inside the boxes used to be vital, and interesting, and make Natasi's blood pound in her veins with the realization that with a stroke of her pen...
  16. Natasi Fortan

    Assassins: And All You Have to Do is Move Your Little Finger | Moff Council

    "It was treachery, with a smile on its face." -The Park Lane Years: An Autobiography, Natasi Fortan, page 13 (unedited draft) It was not unusual to see members of the Moff Council in the streets of Avalonia, particularly the streets near the capital building, and particularly following a...
  17. Relina Zhan

    Mark 1 Micro-Spy chip

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A new spy technology Image Source: Canon Link: n/a Restricted Missions: n/a Primary Source: n/a Note: This, of course, only is useful upon consent of the targeted party OOCly. Spying can be...
  18. H3xle

    Inauguration Ball - Eriadu (Galactic Alliance and Frienemies)

    ERIADU PRESIDENTIAL RESIDENCE BALLROOM OOC: Dalton smiled in the way that his wife had always told him brought the sparkle out in his eyes. He was surrounded by people, some he knew, most he didn't, and was in his element. "I can assure you minister, the M'Haerian Crown is one of our most...
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