Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Darth Imperius

    Approved Species  Elder Dragons - The Children of Zildrog

    An Izaxian Ancient OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a new take on an important part of the culture and history of Zakuul with an ancient species as well as submitting dope, massive dragons. Image Credit: Artstation Game of Thrones Ancalagon Wiki The Hobbit House of the Dragon...
  2. Alina Tremiru

    Public  Iokath

    What is a world that is not a world? Alina stared down at the artificial world of Iokath, her expression thin. Studying, for the most part. She'd never seen a world like this, built artificially around a sun of all things. It was a clever way to keep it powered, to say the least. From what...
  3. Darth Imperius

    Approved Planet  Iokath [Canon]

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To re-sub the lore world of Iokath and create a place for future roleplay. Image Credit: Wookie, Sacrifice Trailer, Deviantart Canon: Iokath Permissions: Links: Zakuul, High Justice, Knights of Zakuul, Seven Hills of Rome GENERAL INFORMATION Planet Name...
  4. Scyllias Aventor

    Character  Scyllias Aventor

    S C Y L L I A S _ A V E N T O R Paladin and Master of the Guard of House Atrius NAME: Scyllias Aventor FACTION: Eternal Remnant RANK: Paladin, Master of the Guard SPECIES: Human AGE: 41 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 185cm WEIGHT: 81kg EYES: Blue-Green HAIR: Dark SKIN: Caucasian FORCE...
  5. Ares Atrius

    LFG  Zakuulan Remnant | Eternal Empire (orig.) Fanbeings assemble!

    Hello Chaos! I have found my way to this site a bit ago and am amazed by its various creative possibilities and by the idea of an included map game! Its glorious and a perfect place to try my idea and hope to catch some folks' interest. :) Star Wars: The Old Republic did not only bring us...
  6. K

    Knight Houses of Iokath

    To be done . . .
  7. Ares Atrius

    Character  Ares Atrius

    Full name: Ares Atrius Title(s): Exarch of House Atrius Praetor Species: Human-Cyborg Age: 1.933 Years Human height: 2,19m Human weight: 138kg Hair color: Brown Eye color: Grey Complexion: Caucasian Force sensitive: Yes Force alignment: Gray Faction: New Zakuul Rank: Master...
  8. Darth Imperius

    Factory  Vandemarian Techwrights

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Vandemarian Techwrights Headquarters: Iokath, ARIES Base Board of Techwrights: Owner: Aurelian Sigismund Fabricator-General, CEO Master Artificer, Olympian...
  9. Griet van Vliet

    Approved Location  Griet's Penthouse

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide a place for Griet to go to escape unwanted attention ​Image Credit: Molly Warner Canon: N/A Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: Griet's Penthouse Classification: Penthouse Location: Valley of the Machine Gods, Iokath Affiliation...
  10. Griet van Vliet

    Approved Location  Valley of the Machine Gods

    Image Debit: Izax's shrine with holograms at its base OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To expand on the lore of a location in SWTOR ​Image Credit: MMO Bits Canon: N/A (but alluded to in the War on Iokath) Links: Izax, Six Gods SETTING INFORMATION City Name: Valley of the Machine Gods...
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