Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Allyson Locke

    Approved Armor  Allyson Locke's Infamous Leather Jacket

    TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Classification: Multipurpose Weight: Light Resistances: Energy: Average Kinetic: None Lightsabers: High Ballistic: Average SPECIAL FEATURES Stylish & Timeless – A rugged yet refined look that stands out anywhere. Relic of the Old Galactic Days – Worn during...
  2. Pal Veda

    Approved Armor  ORO Spacer Jacket

    Intent: To create a spacer jacket with a little more protection than your standard jacket. Image Source: Filson Cruiser Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Armored Clothing PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Outer Rim Outfitters Affiliation: Outer Rim Outfitters Market Status...
  3. Kivah

    Approved Tech  MA Field Jacket

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A general purpose field jacket. Image Source: DHgate Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Armored Clothing PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Mercenary Arms Affiliation: Mercenary Arms, Open-Market Market Status: Open-Market Model: MA Field...
  4. Jonyna Si

    Approved Tech  Cathar Armored Jacket

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make an armored coat for future stories Image Source: Here Canon Link: N/A Permissions: My Subs Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Jonyna Si Affiliation: Jonyna Si Market Status: Closed-Market Model: N/A Modularity: No Production...
  5. Drane T'keen

    Private  Full Leather Jacket

    Detonmus Beach, they said. Stand somewhere in the center beneath the starlit horizon at night and watch for the Frozen Comet constellation, they promised. It would guide one in the direction to the mountains, and to one mountain in particular, for it overlooked one crater in a number where...
  6. Thelma Goth

    Approved Tech  Nathan Bloodscrawl's Leather Jacket

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a jacket for Nathan Bloodscrawl. Image Source: Movie Jackets Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Anti-Shank Cloth [Creator's Permission] Duraflex Fabric [Creator's Permission] Primary Source: Atton's ribbed jacket PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer...
  7. Thelma Goth

    Private  Blue Jacket

    "I need some buttons," Thelma said, holding up a sample she had picked up in a thrift store. "Like this one." The giant Thisspiasian took the button, looked at it, then grunted. "How many?" "Um... Seven or eight? That counts as one, so seven would work." "Six." "O-Okay," she mumbled. "How...
  8. Takumi Tikotzki

    Private  Would you like a Wookie fur jacket with that?

    [Hello Arthakk. I know this Message will be a surprise to you. I'm gonna keep this short with you, since I am pretty sure a big fella like you got some other things to do. I recently stumbled upon a contract given out from the Pyke syndicate, from the Planet Kessel. Recently there has been a...
  9. Delsin Shaw

    Approved Tech  Puppy's Fur

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a nice jacket. Image Source: Ruiner - Puppy Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Atom Affiliation: Atom Model: Puppy Fur Modularity: Limited - Can have patches attached. Production: Unique Material: ​Spacers...
  10. Dhakarta

    Approved Tech  Mavreks Leather Jacket

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To Sub a unique jacket for [member="Mavrek Kordalas"] Image Source: Sky Seller (online store) Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: Light Armor PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Dhakarta Affiliation: Mavrek Kordalas Model: NA Modularity: No Production...
  11. Jak Sandrow

    Approved Tech  Ablative Designer Jacket

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A personal designer jacket for Jak Sandrow Image Source: Here Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Jak Sandrow Model: N/A Affiliation: Jak Sandrow Modularity: No Production: Unique Material...
  12. Domino

    Approved Tech  Arisa Yune's Jacket

    Image Source: Here Intent: Make a styling jacket for Arisa Development Thread: N/A Manufacturer: Sasori Research Model: 'Not Applicable' Affiliation: [member="Arisa Yune"] Modularity: None Production: Unique Material: Light Canvas, Blended Cotton, Chemical Wash, Brass, Sasori Mesh...
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