Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Kei Amadis

    Mission  Vengence at Amfar [Open to Three]

    Alliance Space, near the Mandalorian Border. Amfar Paradissa Beach Hotel Vos-Paradissa Noon, high sun. OOC Thread Paradissa Beach fa-play fa-pause The First Marked: Clan Kryze Following: The Setup and The Reason Amfar. A paradise of a planet, a perfect tourist getaway. Lush tropical...
  2. Goros the Hutt

    Private  The Jedi, The Beast, and One Hutt too Many

    Kriffin' Cantina Collective, with an Outer-Rim Light-Bardcore Bithswing fa-play fa-pause Goros the Hutt was as fat, pink, and greedy as ever, with his fingers in every kind of pie—both literal and figurative. He gorged himself, devouring trays upon trays of food, carried by slaves who...
  3. Aric Siasides

    Public  Extending out of the Shadows of Kashyykk (Jedi)

    TAG: It had been a few days since the massacre of Kashyykk, the staff, the people, the Jedi, the entire Shadow Temple was in shambles. The Temple in flames, lives burning, and Master Vanagor… gone. The refugees were all over. Aric was not a “touchy feely” guy, often introverted and blunt, but...
  4. Drystan Creed

    Private  Remedial Education

    JEDI TEMPLE: CORUSCANT He was back in a place he once thought would push his progress forward—the training halls of the Jedi Temple. Jedi of all ranks filled the space, sabers flashing, Force powers on display as they refined their craft. The hall was large enough for Drystan to carve out his...
  5. Jo'Han Felcado

    LFG  New Jedi looking for Beef

    First time writing an actually combat capable Jedi, I'd like to take him for a test spin. Doesn't have to be combat, could do with making friends, acquaintances, finding their place in the galaxy, or even fleeting romance. Jo'Han is a little abrasive with some rough ends, but his heart is more...
  6. Gabriel Hynatos Umberhorn

    Discussion  Secrets of the Galaxy book set

    So i've been interested in getting the book of sith recently and maybe the Jedi Path books, but I see the bundle is cheaper compared to the other options, either way these books seem hard to come by, has anyone read them? Which ones do you think are stronger in this series?
  7. Matsu Ike

    Approved Location  Kh'ymm Observatory

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Expand Sasori and the jedi's influence Image Credit: N/A Canon: Observatory Moon Permissions: N/A Links: Sasori Modular Production Facilities Silk Gate Advanced Terraforming Sasori Kanamara Temple Cleaners Advanced Fabricator Mk.VII Sasori Ingrid Glydr...
  8. Matsu Ike

    Mission  Jedi Mission: Hell's Belle's

    THe information and request had come through older channels. Matsu had her silver jedi expanding.. they were reaching places in the universe and beyond Matsu had been more surprised as last information had the world embroiled in its own wars among each other. THey had even pulled out of the...
  9. Helen Lupercal

    LFG  Pirate turned Jedi looking for something to do

    Howdy. Honestly I don't know what I want, I just know I want to do something with this character. Helen is a former Pirate, who after an encounter with the jedi grandmaster, was brought into the Jedi fold. Maybe you'd like to be an old rival of hers. Maybe you'd be a new Jedi friend. Maybe a...
  10. Matsu Ike

    LFG  Jedi Mission

    Jedi Mission: Hell's Belle's There once was a world embroiled in a war. For years the emperor ruled until he miscalculated. Killing the mother of one of his children and causing her to vow revenge. For nearly ten years a war was waged and in the end the emperor was killed. His daughter taking...
  11. Aris Noble

    LFG  (Jedi, Sith, Underworld) Looking For Stories

    I'm totally not leeching off of the ever popular Valery Noble by copying her. I'm just lazy. Jedi: Aris needs more friends in the Order, or rivals, or what have you. I'm down for whatever honestly! Sith: Give me enemies. Arch nemesis, foes for that long standing need to fight. I've been sorely...
  12. Darth Moskvin

    Private  The Enemy of My Enemy....Is Still Not My Friend

    THE ENEMY... "Horrors, I believe, should be original--the use of common myths and legends being a weakening influence." - H.P. Lovecraft - Hushed tones and whispers echoed magically throughout the Palace on the Sith homeworld of Jutrand, words no doubt infused with false additions or...
  13. Mother Askani

    Campaign  OOC Sign Up — Spark of Rebellion: Empire's Edge | TF vs DE (Open to Allies)

    902 ABY: Spark of Rebellion: Empire's Edge fa-play fa-pause The galaxy is on the edge of collapse. The Dark Empire was once a seemingly unstoppable force. Born from the ashes of the Brotherhood of the Maw and the Galactic Empire, it swept its way into the Core, carving out a vast dominion...
  14. Echo Athoth

    Approved NPC  BB-055TN "Boston" | Echo Athoth's Astromech

    BB-055TN "BOSTON" OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an astromech co-pilot for my Jedi. Image Credit: Drawn by me in Photoshop. Role: Co-pilot/Navigation Droid. Permissions: N/A Links: N/A PHYSICAL INFORMATION Age: 10 years. Model: BB-Unit Appearance: A BB-unit with a blue...
  15. Kelan Dhal

    Private  A Stubborn Hope

    GENERIS || OUTER RIM EQUIPMENT: Ragged Brown Robes, Lightsaber MUSIC: Untouched Nature TAGS: Zhea Nox "Let's see what we can do for you." The Outer Rim, even after thousands of years, remained a rather sparsely populated place. Generis especially, a world that had been largely left alone by...
  16. Kelan Dhal

    Character  Kelan Dhal || Knight-in-Exile

    Music A Hope for the Future Full name Kelan Dhal Class(es) Jedi Sentinel Birthworld Dantooine Current Homeworld Various (Wanderer) Age 37 Rank(s) Jedi Knight (Disputed) Faction(s) The Galactic Alliance Species Human Gender Male Force Sensitive Yes Character Alignment...
  17. Anja Doreva

    Approved Armor  Jedi Coalition Light Armour

    D O R E V A • I N D U S T R I E S Intent: Make Jedi armour Image Source: Here - edited by me Canon Link: Jedi Commander Armour Permissions: NA Primary Source: NA Manufacturer: Doreva Industries Affiliation: Doreva Industries, The Foundation and selected clients Market Status...
  18. The Hand of Freedom

    LFG  Rebels, Jedi, Smugglers and other dissidents wanted!

    Join the Fight for Freedom and Hope! In a Galaxy torn apart by conflict and tyranny, The Foundation stands as a beacon of hope. We are a clandestine organization dedicated to rescuing those displaced by war and empowering rebellion against oppressive regimes. Our Mission: Extract refugees...
  19. The Burning Truth

    The Jedi Coalition (Information & Roster)

    The Jedi Coalition "The Force is not a weapon. It is not a tool. It is a responsibility—to guide, to defend, to ensure that the victories we fight for are ones we can live with." — Master Rhen Toris, Jedi Coalition Guided by the Force, Bound by Purpose. The Jedi of the Foundation are all...
  20. Braze Kai'el

    Faction  [Jedi] Assessment of Strength and Spirit

    TAGS: Kaelos Vryn Braze wore simple dark robes today—clean, freshly pressed, and tailored to allow ease of movement without sacrificing comfort. They fit well, neither too tight nor cumbersome, granting him a full range of motion. He moved soundlessly through the training halls, pausing at...
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