Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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jedi culture

  1. Ran Serys

    Private  Those Who Know History

    2 Kilometer South of Selvaris Camp - Before Dawn The Onyx Runner flew low. So low that when guided by Ran's hand, the ship appeared as if it glided across the vibrant, morning greens, purples, and reds of the jungle canopy. The dawn of Selvaris' twin suns bouncing off the colorful canopy was a...
  2. Romi Jade

    Approved Lore  Pathrunning

    "This discipline demands more than strength—it requires adaptability, precision, and an unwavering focus. Master it, and you'll move like the wind, unseen and unstoppable. Moreover, the skills you develop here will form the bedrock of your acrobatic abilities, making other techniques easier to...
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