Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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jogerda of chaldea

  1. Kai Bamarri

    Private  The Prophet's Song

    THE PROPHET'S SONG Calabiyau, Chaldea Chaldea’s sun was rising, its rays slowly spreading across the grand cathedral door. When Alicio had last visited Calabiyau, the beautiful building had been empty and abandoned. The refugees had fixed it up, but the end result was not a house of worship—it...
  2. J

    Character  Jogerda of Chaldea | The Maid of the Plains

    SOCIETAL Name: Jogerda of Chaldea Alias: Sister Jogerda Maid of the Plains The Maiden The Heathenslayer Occupation: Chaldean Mystic Homeworld: Chaldea Faction: Chaldean Potentium Languages: Galactic Basic Force Sensitivity: Yes Force Rank: Knight Force Alignment: Neutral...
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