Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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joti johayc

  1. Aloy Vizsla

    The Book of Aloy: Expanded backstory

    Table of contents: [Season I] Chapter 1: The Red Coronation Chapter 2: The Mentor Chapter 3: Red & Blue
  2. J

    Character  Joti Jjota - The Prequel (Heavy WIP)

    JOTI JJOTA BirthplaceThe Cin'vode Age15 RankWanderer FactionClan Jjota HomeNone SpeciesHuman GenderFemale Force SensitiveNo Height5'4 Weight120 lbs Hair ColorGinger Eye ColorBlue Skin ColorFair Voice:Cloe - Life is Strange Distinctive featuresJjota Tattoo(Back)...
  3. Aloy Vizsla

    Approved Tech  Aloy's Cybernetic Leg

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To replace my leg that was kriffing blown off! (Well more life frozen and then shattered but you get what I mean) Image Source: Here & Here with edits by yours truly Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.) Permissions: Primary...
  4. Aloy Vizsla

    Approved Tech  Ga'yusr Beskar'gam ~ Armour of the Ghost

    S I L E N T - B U T - N O T - I D L E OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To modify Aloy's second beskar'gam into the the the modular third and final Beskar'gam set, And to create her new face as "The Watchmaster" Image Source: RoboEmma from Mandalorian Mercs (With heavy edits by yours...
  5. Aloy Vizsla

    Approved Tech  1000 degree Kukri (Joti's Beskad)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make the most mandalorian melee weapon since the vibro-boomerang! And maybe arm myself... Image Source: Our lord and savior: Artstation. Canon Link: Beskad, Beskad(Legends) Permissions: Primary Source: Beskad(Legends), Stun Baton(Legends)...
  6. Aloy Vizsla

    Approved Tech  Modified NN-14s

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To satisfy this character's modding addiction and upgrade some gear Image Source: Artstation Canon Link: Wookiepedia Permissions: Myself cause the original sub comes from my sub-account Primary Source: NN-14 Heavy...
  7. Darsch Vizsla

    The Solstice (Joti and Darsch)

    Welcome aboard the Solstice, Darsch's mobile home and ship. The Ship itself was a freighter with two crew rooms. Darsch's room was located directly across from Joti's room. Cleanliness was something Darsch valued a lot so the entire ship was sparkling clean. Not a speck of dust or dirt. The...
  8. Aloy Vizsla

    Law and order

    This was probably one of the stranger cases joti had taken. Captain "Lawfull" Tir, A core imperial confederate captain who had fled after the CIC's collapse, and taken up refuge on ord centrell. that in of itself wasn't too strange, but when she heard that the captain had become involved with a...
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