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The Scrolls of Taiden Keth
#Entry 1 PKF
When the trees fell to flames. Post Kashyyyk's Fall
A long thread from many personal perspectives; expect fluid time snapshots, if you ever want to add yours if it fits and its on theme, feel free.
Bathed in bright white light, a lone figure sat...
I haven't done much of this in the past, but after what I went through on Coruscant, maybe now's as good a time as any.
I was there in the Jedi Temple when the Dark Empire sent their invasion force against the Alliance and the New Jedi Order. The Jedi Temple was my home growing up, and while...
Intent: To make subs for the [Character Contest]
Image Source: Harry Potter
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: My Subs
Primary Source:
Exotic Matter
Programmable Matter
Manufacturer: Zak Dymo
Zak Dymo
Akela Ru
Market Status: Closed-Market
Model: Padawan War Journal...
When I received news of a newly discovered planet with previously unknown technology, I knew I had to see it for myself. Leading a team of engineers and researchers on an exploratory mission, we set out to uncover the planet's secrets.
Descending into its thick atmosphere, the beauty of the...
((OOC: Set shortly after Elpsis' duel with Matsu Xiangu in the Gree invasion.))
I hate hospitals. Maybe it's because I spend a lot of time in them. Mum jokes about me following in Mother's footsteps a bit too well. Well...I just lost an arm, so maybe there's merit to that. On the bright side, I...
I feel like I’m surrounded by people who don’t know what they’re talking about. Stupid people who can’t or won’t comprehend their flaws, or the consequences of their actions. Foolish people who react rather than act, as if they were no better than animals. And because I’m surrounded by them...
03:860 ABY
Coruscant (Before the Flight)
Since I cannot always be at the apartment to watch over Miri, and because she is past due to start school, I purchased a droid, a DV-6 unit, to serve as her caretaker and tutor. Initially she adapted to the change and accepted the droid with no problems...
I am apparently all official now. So I’ve got an office. Takes getting used to. Paperwork is awkward when you can only read things in braille, but your bosses can’t. I prefer working in the field. Drilling, supervising, plain doing things. Still it has to be done. This also means meetings. Over...
"Surrender to the dark side or you will die."
- Freedon Nadd
Intent: To introduce the journal that documents the history and teachings of Freedon Nadd to Star Wars Chaos
Image Source: Sith spell book (Wookieepedia)
Canon Link: None
Restricted Missions...
::Entry 1::
oh, why the frak am I even doing this
::Entry 2::
This is the journal of
ugh, no.
::Entry 3::
I’m Ave
I’m Vr
I’m Sel
I’m Ka
I’m R
I’m Le
I'm frak this
::Entry 4::
personal journal of A
MY personal journal. Frak.
::Entry 5::
I am 37 million.
Taeli couldn't stop the grin forming on her face as she watched the data packets she and her apprentice Sophie had retrieved from Ciutric IV were finally about to finish being decrypted. It had been a long time, and she was eager to finally read what was within and was hopeful she would find...