Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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jutrand academy

  1. Kaila Irons

    Private  The Acolyte and The Apprentice

    Sith Academy, Jutrand A stranger who had never been seen on academy grounds wandered the library for some time, a dark two piece cloak enshrouding the whole of her body. Her eyes, which were golden with the unmistakable dark side corruption, would quickly dart around in the shade of her hood as...
  2. Thelnic Vath

    Duel  Jutrand Academy - Duel Trial - The Grand Stand

    Objective: Show off self-taught lightsaber prowess Location: The Royal Academy of Jutrand Equipment: Lightsaber Academy Uniform Tags: Soldane Talon Thelnic has made it through the first two trials. The first on his own and with little effort, the second as part of a team that required...
  3. Firrerreo

    Faction  Bumps In The Basement (Sith Order - Jutrand Academy)

    The basement wasn't the typical basement one might expect from dark and brooding. It wasn't a dungeon of dust and cobwebs. It was a laboratory. There were cells, of course, but it was a lab first and foremost. Those cells were for test subjects. Willing or otherwise. And of all the places within...
  4. Udren Zeln

    Character  Udren Zeln | The Acolyte

    THE ACOLYTE The Acolyte is an Echani that was discovered at a young age to be Force Sensitive. He was removed from his family, under the guise of a Jedi recruiter, though was never delivered to Coruscant or the Jedi temple. Since that day, the Acolyte's family never saw their child again, nor...
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