Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Blakely Moore

    Faction  [LAW] Always Bet on Losing Dogs

    ALWAYS BET ON LOSING DOGS The fall of the Rimward Trade League was swift and devastating, precipitated by a relentless three-front invasion from the Sith along the western reaches of the nation. With the capital world of Susefvi engulfed in flames and the Jedi Coalition on Dagobah disbanded...
  2. Box Mattox

    Faction  Joining the Kabal - (Rimward Trade League and Battleborn Merc Company)

    The Gorskin's Captain, Box Mattox, came onto the expansive bridge of the vessel, looking like something the cat coughed up. Nothing special had happened to him. That was just how he looked every morning. He staggered over to the caf machine at the back of the bridge, collected a steel...
  3. V

    Dominion  Fishing for Friends | RTL Dominion of Kabal

    Drawn in by the growing prosperity of the Rimward Trade League, the leaders of the planet of Kabal have held multiple rounds of discussion with their people and there is a general interest in joining the Rimward Trade League. As one of the worlds on the Little Minos Run, it is a critical stop...
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