Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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kascalion giedfield

  1. Darth Voyance

    Invasion  Warlords of the Sith vs Th Sith Empire | Invasion of Malachor V |

  2. Darth Voyance

    Invasion  The Sith End Times Episode 1 | Invasion of Malachor V | Warlords of the Sith

    WARLORDS OF THE SITH INVASION OF MALACHOR V //BEGINS MARCH 17 || ENDS MARCH 31\\ Invasion Starting Hex: Weken Invasion Hex Path: Nathema -->Malachor V-->Vaynai Invasion Narrative Setting: Malachor V WARLORDS OF THE SITH THE SITH EMPIRE //||STAFF||\\ Darth Voyance Kascalion Giedfield...
  3. Darth Voyance

    Dominion  Imperials Strike Back | Dominion of Ninn | Warlords of the Sith

    //CHAPTER TWO// STORY SET UP: Having consumed Brosi - the Imperials were pushed from the Dostra System all together. Harried by the Sith Warlords armada the remnants of the Moff Delegation at the Ninn System. They take refuge by taking over a Spaceport on the surface called: Rynn's Hollow...
  4. Darth Hauntruss

    Artist  Hiss' Emote Extravaganza Gallery

    -----Darth Voyance (Knight and Master Form) -----------Kascalion Giedfield-------Vora Kaar-------------------Siqsa Kun TURBO Vers. OTHERS Sith Battle Chapter Troooper-------SiqsaPOG
  5. Darth Voyance

    Major Faction Unholy Crusades Comes [Warlords of the Sith Story Ad]

    MUSICAL THEME "Do you hear it? The growing din in the Dark Side? The heaving roaring growls of the Skeletal Mad King ( Kascalion Giedfield ) thirsting for carnage and domination. The humming brood of the Masked Provost of Dark Enlightenment ( Vora Kaar ). And the hissing shrill laughter of the...
  6. Darth Voyance

    Major Faction Application  Warlords of the Sith

    Name: Warlords of the Sith OOC Hierarchy: STAFF Darth Voyance (Faction Owner) Kascalion Giedfield Vora Kaar CREATIVE TEAM Darth Vinaze Ilitherna Darth Ineritius Darth Bellum Ashin Cardé Varanin IC Hierarchy: Warlords of the Sith operate in two spheres of power: Sphere of the Sith and...
  7. Darth Voyance

    Faction Ad  When You're A New Sith Character

    [From Left to Right: Sith Warlords Kascalion Giedfield - the Dread Autarch, Darth Voyance - The Dark Saint of the Sith, Vora Kaar - Lord Sage of the Rule of the Few] THEME MUSIC JOIN THE WARLORDS OF THE SITH
  8. Darth Sinestruss

    Chill To Siqsa Sithwave [ SITH WARLORDS]

  9. Darth Voyance

    Minor Faction The Sith'ari Wills It [Warlords of the Sith]

    [THEME MUSIC] For too long the Way of the Sith has acquiesced. Acquiesced to the vanity of Emperors, Claimant and Self-Styled Dark Lords of the Sith. Sith bent to venerate their titles and sit in gluttonous content in illusory power, stagnating, and blaspheming against the Sith Code...
  10. Darth Voyance

    Faction  Leviathan of the Left-Handed God [Sith Warlords]

    Sith Warlord Nebula Expeditionary Fleet Inside Typhojem's Storm The Violent Crimson Nebula, Typhojem’s Storm by Sith Warlord designation, swarmed the ruinous world of Sepulcher like a bloody malaise. It flooded the vast space around it with churning cosmic destruction. Its crimson complexion was...
  11. Darth Voyance

    Codex Denied  The Warlords of the Sith [Feudal Schism Sith Order] [DRAFT]

    Intent: To create a comprehensive Lore Sub with a exhaustive compendium of the key lore, figures, organizations, aesthetics and story moments of the Warlords of the Sith Faction for prospective members, current members, and site members to use as reference material Image Credit: TBA Canon...
  12. Darth Voyance

    Skirmish  Duel of Faiths [Warlords of the Sith Story Campaign|Episode I]-[Check OOC]

    [ Opening Crawl By Kascalion Giedfield ] OOC THREAD: LINK
  13. Darth Voyance

    Skirmish  Duel of Faiths [Warlords of the Sith Story Campaign]

    WHAT IS "The DUEL OF THE FAITHS"? The DUEL OF FAITHS is a Story-Driven Side Story set in the aftermath of the Galactic Alliance and Sith Empire Invasion Thread - Return of the Jedi. It is the jumping-off point for a larger story campaign currently being developed called "Warlords of the Sith"...
  14. K

    Training Day

    ***Location: The Emperor's Citadel, Dromund Kaas. Objective: Train the Acolyte Star Date: c. 858 Allies: [member="Jason Octavian"] Enemies: None*** The battle of Kashyyyk had done its damage to the Devil Lion. Where the was once pristine, ashen skin, scarred flesh and charred bones reattached...
  15. K

    Character  Kascalion Giedfield

    K A S C A L I O N . O V E R V I E W . S U M M A R Y A relic of an age no longer in memory, Kascalion Giedfield - born Kavar Lok Kas'Oni - is a titan of mystic power and wanton destruction. Armed with weapons of egregious lethality, this Sith Master marches forth into war as if he were born...
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