Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Coren Starchaser

    Kattada Jedi Enclave

    Hey All, Just setting this up for folks who are interested. Kattada is a pet project I had a while ago (back in the Silver Jedi) as a Core-based Jedi Enclave with a varied focus. A temple that allows for Jedi-leaning Force groups, including Matukai, Fallanassi, Witches, and Wardens of the Sky...
  2. Kattadan Jedi Enclave

    Kattadan Jedi Enclave

    Welcome to the Kattadan Jedi Enclave, located in the Jedi Temple of Kattada.
  3. Coren Starchaser

    Minor Faction Kattadan Jedi Enclave

    Kattadan Jedi Enclave Announcement The Kattadan Jedi Enclave is opening its doors to those looking to learn the Jedi arts. Focusing on the school of thought of a Sentinel, the Kattadan Enclave is part of the Jedi Academy Network, now under the name of the Enclave Network. Part of Alliance...
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