Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Ashin Varanin

    Approved Tech  Ke'dem Tester Ring

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A quick and easy path to identifying potential Force-sensitivity. Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A - based on Jedi blood tests PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Ke’dem Model: Ke’dem Tester Ring Affiliation...
  2. Ashin Varanin

    Approved NPC  Team Nadd | Ke'dem

    Name: Team Nadd Intent: To represent Ke'dem in the Omega Event. Affiliation: Ashin Varanin/Ajira Cardei and Ke'dem. They'll also take orders from [member="Spencer Varanin"]. Ke'dem and Team Nadd are not associated publicly with the Ajira Cardei identity, and do not know that name...
  3. Ashin Varanin

    Approved Tech  Holocron of Curiosities

    Image Source: Here Intent: A holocron filled with bizarre techniques Development Thread: Here - A fight for a holocron ends when the enemy forfeits (15 posts) Manufacturer: Darth Irretus, an ancient Sith Lord Model: N/A Affiliation: Personal Modularity: As with most holocrons, new gatekeepers...
  4. Ashin Varanin

    Approved Tech  Ke'dem Pheromone Metabolization Culture

    Intent: An active culture treatment that provides permanent immunity to several varieties of pheromones. Realized I never subbed this thing I made back when alchemy didn't need a submission at all, even by convention. Development Thread: Here Manufacturer: Ke'dem Model: Ke'dem Pheromone...
  5. Ashin Varanin

    Approved Tech  Varanin Taozin Lacquer

    Intent: I realized I never submitted this as its own thing. This is an alchemical, taozin-derived lacquer which, when applied to armour, a talisman, or something similar, prevents a Force signature from being recognized, though not detected. Development Thread: Here Manufacturer: Ke'dem Model...
  6. Ashin Varanin

    Lady Shambleau

    NAME: Known as Shambleau FACTION: Ke'dem, Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps RANK: Lady, though that could refer to anything; aide to Lady Ajira Cardei; Dark Jedi Padawan SPECIES: Mikan AGE: Appears late twenties SEX: Female HEIGHT: Medium height WEIGHT: Lean and wiry EYES: Red HAIR...
  7. Julius Sedaire

    A few dollars more...

    Location: Ke'dem Facility, Trevel'ka There were a lot of ways for a man to make his way in this universe...In his decades of life, Ijaat had tried most of them in some form or the other. Work as a traveling sword-smith had made him quite a name in the right circles, though his work always...
  8. Menoetius


    ANZAT The ground was soft underfoot. Loose soil and short, brown, grass that was easily uprooted with every footstep. As the Anzat and force void known as Menoetius walked, he pondered on this fact, likening it to the One Sith he was loosely affiliated with. The soil was the faction itself...
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