Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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kellen mynn

  1. Kellen Mynn

    Approved Armor  Kellen Mynn's Battle Armor

    Image Source generated by AI DESCRIPTION This armor was mainly created to serve as Jedi Master Kellen Mynn's wartime attire. It is used mainly on battlefields and other high value missions and operations. Most of the armor's materials and components have been acquired via the New Jedi Order...
  2. Kellen Mynn

    Approved Melee Weapon  Kellen Mynn's Lightsaber

    Link to Image Credit SPECIAL FEATURES Waterproof Casing - The lightsaber is outfitted with two crystals that allows it to activate underwater and avoid shorting out. Deflection Emitter - Designed special lightsaber emitter for countering blaster fire. Kyber Crystal - The core of the weapon and...
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