Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Lady Kyoteru Seraphine

    Public  A Queen Without Her King

    Drystan Creed | Open Bespin The casino shimmered in gilded excess, a jewel of indulgence perched high above the gas giant's swirling clouds. Cloud City had always been a sanctuary for the powerful, the cunning, and the foolishly wealthy—those who knew that luck was merely a game of leverage...
  2. Caelan Valoren

    LFG  King Seeks Queen

    Hello! Im looking for someone to develop a longterm relationship between our characters with that culminates in her becoming the Queen of the Kingdom of Devit. I want this to be something that takes time to occur, and for that reason I am fine with darkside characters applying if they are...
  3. Serena Harth

    Private  The Canto Bight King

    Canto Bight was a bed of vice, gilded with prestige and class. But beneath the specious flair, it was just as much a criminal sanctuary as Nar Shaddaa. In Serena's opinion, the latter was at least more honest with you. In many ways, Prax Elvros was perhaps an embodiment of this city as a...
  4. XaraXunia

    Character  Xaraxunia: Conqueror of Koboth

    Xaraxunia: Conqueror of Koboth Age: 45 Species: Kobok Gender: Male Height: 6'4 Weight: 245 pounds Force Sensitive: "zz i ddontttt zz need thozzzze trrriickzzzzz, zhezhezhezhezhe!" ("I don't need those tricks, zhezhezhe!"). PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION I ....zzzz.... am BIG.... enoughhhh to...
  5. Tashsi Qsa

    Private  King of Jesters and Jester of Kings / The Diarchy

    TARIS Kakus Residency, years ago. While in retrospective the Anzati's serfdom to Lord Kakus was brief -merely twenty years, which is an instant for his species-, it seemed to take an eternity. The Jester's potencial, locked by a trickster less deserving than him. And yet, with time, he grew to...
  6. Darth Malum of House Marr

    Private  The Emperor and the King

    It would not be the first time he was alone in this room, it would certainly not be the last. Yet, what could be called surprising about this moment was the one he had invited here, was that as the time slowly ticked by, it seemed unless something catastrophic had occurred that he was soon to...
  7. Caelan Valoren

    Who wants to meet a future king?

    I'm looking for more threads to meet more people! Don't care what your alignment, what your faction, etc. We can find something to do! So if you're interested, drop a line!
  8. Corhaa Iredunn

    Private  Meeting the King

    TAG: Alicio Organa Alderaanian Embassy, Coruscant Corhaa's heart thumped against her chest. She looked down to her hand, to see it shake a bit. She took couple of deep breaths to steel her nerves. It was just another diplomatic meeting. Surely she can handle that. After all, its not like the...
  9. Sha'ri Sorkh

    Approved Lore  The Collective - The Hive, the Hoard and the End

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To set up an antagonistic force shared between the characters Sha'ri Sorkh, Dice Thorne and Vergessen Contii. Image Credit: N/A Canon: N/A Permissions: "Fleshgait" Model Android [2], RAGE [Regular Supply] Links: [Listed above] GENERAL INFORMATION...
  10. Vergessen Contii

    Approved NPC  Wächter Vendera - The Yellow King

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide Vergessen Contii with a devout follower and powerful companion. Image Credit: N/A Role: Wächter is the leading officer of the planet Gefängnis' military. Permissions: N/A Links: Vergessen Contii, Gefängnis PHYSICAL INFORMATION Age: 90 Force...
  11. Baal Varad

    Character  Baal Varad | The Cannibal King Of Mandalore

    Music Clan Varad Title(s) Alor, Cannibal King Birth Manda'yaim Age 29 Rank(s) Alor Faction(s) Clan Varad Species Gurlanin Gender Male Height 6'4 Weight 110kg "I wear black to mourn my parentage, a father whose shield I'll never carry, a mother whose song I'll never know...
  12. Darth Malum of House Marr

    Private  The Princess and the King

    Alvaria was so beautiful at night. The twin moons of Xadrius and Schyzo made their continual travels around the band, all the while behind them, stars, incalculable, uncountable, and glimmered beautifully against a pitch-black sky. It was hard not to stare at the sight every night, from dusk...
  13. Gerwald Lechner

    Private  Dread Wolf : Butcher King

    WEARING: xxx WEAPONS: Ferrum Solus | Blodmåne | Strømafbryder TAG: Darth Carnifex Naedira had only ever asked one thing of her wolf, and that was to stay away from the Mountain. They did not mention him by name, save for the moniker they had given him. He had met the Sith Lord on several...
  14. H

    Character  Horace von Cholmondeley II, King of Ukatis

    General Information: NAME: Horace von Cholmondeley II HOMEWORLD: Ukatis AFFILIATION: House Cholmondeley OCCUPATION: King of Ukatis Physical Information: SPECIES: Ukatian Human AGE: Over 50 SEX: Male HEIGHT: Tall BUILD: Bloated EYES: Brown HAIR: Brown SKIN: Sickly DISTINCTIVE MARKINGS...
  15. Darth Caedes

    Approved Lore  Holocron of Dathka Graush, Sith King

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: [ To Create A Holocron for Dathka Graush; discovered by Darth Caedes ] Image Credit: [ MidJourney | Photoshop: Me! ] Canon: Dathka Graush, Sith King & Overlord Sith Sorcerer Dathka's Holocron Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut — Reanimated Corpses (Korriban Zombie) Sith...
  16. Darth Caedes

    Holocron of Dathka Graush, Sith King

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: [ To Create A Holocron for Dathka Graush; discovered by Darth Caedes ] Image Credit: [ MidJourney | Photoshop: Me! ] Canon: Dathka Graush, Sith King & Overlord Sith Sorcerer Dathka's Holocron Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut — Reanimated Corpses (Korriban Zombie) Sith...
  17. R

    LFG  King Raglan's Coronation

    Greetings! You have been invited to attend the Coronation of Raglan I Petryph of Onderon and the establishment of a New Royal Government to replace the Outdated Royal Court. Some possible things of interest to do there Gain Influence within the New Royal Government to promote your faction's...
  18. Aelin Erevos

    Private  The Winter King

    fa-play fa-pause Outfit | XoXo Location | Hardhaven, Islimore Tag | Dorian Durinson The dining hall was rustic with a brilliant fire coruscating in the massive central hearth, banners of the Kanaka family crest hung proudly from the vaulted rafters with a long timber table dominating the...
  19. D

    LFG  Return of the King

    Hello all, please bear with me this is my first go at one of these looking for group postings, so I will do my best to make sense of things! I am hoping to find a few writers who might be interested in helping me craft a story full of dark sorcery, martial conquest, and some good old fashion...
  20. Sorr Kortu

    Private  Beginner's Luck

    Planet: Stobar "Okay time to show these people my immense skill!" After a long day of Gun Running in the Outer Rim, Sorr decided to make a pit stop and unwind. Sure that pit stop was Stobar: One of the most violent planets in the Outer Rim, but Sorr was a Smuggler so might as well mingle...
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