Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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kingdom of naboo

  1. Kalantha

    Approved Location  Rori Museum of Natural History || Royal Naboo Republic

    Rori Museum of Natural History Intent: A location of cultural importance to Naboo and its moon, Rori. Image Credit: [HERE] [HERE] [HERE] [HERE] | edits by Kalantha Canon: n/a Permissions: n/a Links: Narmle Rori Structure Name: Rori Museum of Natural History Classification: Museum...
  2. Kalantha

    Approved Melee Weapon  Royal Naboo Staff

    "May this era of peace, which has lasted centuries yet, last many more." - Queen Kalantha Intent: A ceremonial staff for the monarch of Naboo Image Source: [HERE] [HERE] | edits by Kalantha Canon Link: n/a Permissions: Boss Pommu [HERE] Primary Source: n/a Manufacturer: Theed Arms...
  3. Briana Sal-Soren

    Approved Location  Shiraya's Sanctuary

    Intent: To codify a Jedi Enclave on Naboo and offer more opportunities for roleplay on the planet Naboo Image Credit: Jumarlo Hex, Fantasy Flights, L-Wing, Paul Tobin, Reddit, Pontus Ryman, Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Naboo, Crystal Caves, Brotherhood of Cognizance, 25 Chambers: A Jedi...
  4. Soren Ee’everwest

    Factory  Theed Palace Engineering Corps

    THEED PALACE ENGINEERING CORPS OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: [HERE] Cannon Link(s): [HERE] Primary Source(s): n/a CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Theed Palace Engineering Corps Headquarters: Naboo Additional Locations: Ohma-D'un (moon) Onoam...
  5. Soren Ee’everwest

    Character  Soren Ee'everwest

    SOREN EE'EVERWEST Music Rule #9 - Child of the Stars Aliases n/a Class Engineer Flagship The Elegy (Naboo S-3 Scout Fighter) Homeworld Naboo Residences Theed, Naboo Age 13 GSY Personality Traits Awkward Bright Helpful Rank(s) Noble Faction(s) Kingdom of Naboo Houses...
  6. Briana Sal-Soren

    Approved Tech  Coruscant Defensive Shield - CDS

    Theed Power Generator, with several smaller back up generators to provide substantial energy reserves Heavily guarded by Galactic Alliance Marines and Jedi Sentinels Preemptive warning systems Ray Shielding Particle Shielding Molecular Shielding to help conserve power and redistribute energy...
  7. Lossa Aureus

    Assuming The Mantle - The Gift of Legacies

    fa-play fa-pause Naboo Ceremony Hall Outfit She had been studying, practicing, and making mental notes for her step into the noble lineage her grandmother had left behind her so many years ago. The pink skinned girl carried the blood of one of the branches of the Ee’everwest families and by...
  8. Tarjik Khen

    Character  Kwilaan Zaro

    KWILAAN ZARO Age 33 GSY Homeworld Onoam Species Human (Naboo) Gender Male Height 1.70 Meters Weight 68 kg Force Sensitive Yes Voice Chiwetel Ejiofor INVENTORY Equipment A pastoral staff made of zaela wood, acting equally of badge of office and a walking stick A set of robes...
  9. Briana Sal-Soren

    Faction  Kingdom of Naboo: They've Sent Hope

    The galaxy stands on the precipice. As the shadow of the Dark Empire stretches its hand over the Galactic Alliance, ripples of fear and disquiet echo through the Core and beyond, reaching the planet of Naboo that sits just beyond the Alliances boarders. With troubling reports of an impending...
  10. Gatz Derrevar

    First Reply  Trouble in Lake Country

    Ship: The Red Night Weapons: Lightsaber Tag: Open to a Jedi Gatz was back home on Naboo, and he wasn't particularly thrilled about it. Well, he supposed that wasn't entirely true: home was Theed. Once, anyways. Not Lake Country. He'd grown up in the city, civilized and urban, not the rural...
  11. Casstil Zirkonn

    Character  Casstil Zirkonn

    Casstil Zirkonn Age 18-19 Species Trace Hapan Human Gender Male Height 1.829m (6') Weight 105.23kg (232lbs) Eyes Jade Hair Raven w/white strip Force Sensitive Force Attuned Affiliation Royal Naboo Security Forces Rank Naboo Security Guard - Corporal Training for Naboo Palace...
  12. Kalantha

    Public  New Year Gala | Kingdom of Naboo

    "Politics is an ancient and noble calling. Without politicians our societies would descend into anarchy." - Padmé Amidala fa-play fa-pause New Year Gala On the neutral world of Naboo, Queen Kalantha's open invitation to the New Year gala is certainly well-received. Agents from every side...
  13. Briana Sal-Soren

    Work In Progress  Boss Pommu

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an NPC to be used in roleplay campaigns on Naboo Image Credit: Andrew Martin Role: Leader of the Gungan Permissions: N/A Links: Spark-Ouchee, Electropole PHYSICAL INFORMATION Age: 30 Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User Species: Gungan Appearance...
  14. Kalantha

    Private  Like Shooting Stars

    "It must be difficult having sworn your life to the Jedi.” - Padmé fa-play fa-pause "A Jedi?" Queen Kalantha questioned. Her body was still, but her eyes were alive with frustration. Naboo awaited news on a defense pact with the Alliance, one that would ensure her people would be safe from...
  15. Briana Sal-Soren

    Memorial Day Mayhem — News From Naboo

    In a tragic turn of events, a memorial event to remember the victims of the Cataclysm on Naboo turned into a weekend nightmare as the terrorist organization known as The New Way, released a deadly virus on the unsuspecting populace. The virus, which presents flu-like symptoms, has caused...
  16. Kalantha

    Character  Inara Berenko || 902 ABY

    INARA BERENKO Theme the lakes - Taylor Swift Full Name Inara Kalantha Berenko Title(s) Queen Age 17 Character Class(es) Noble Monarch Homeworld Naboo Rank(s) Monarch of Naboo Faction(s) Royal Naboo Republic Species Naboo Language(s) Galactic Basic Gungan Naboo...
  17. Briana Sal-Soren

    Approved Tech  Shiraya's Embrace

    Image Source: Midjourney/Personal Edits Canon Link: Naboo, Lianorm Swamps, Gungan Sacred Place Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Wookieepedia Manufacturer: Naturally occurring Affiliation: Lightside Force Users Market Status: Open-Market Model: N/A Production: Semi-Unique Material: Crystalized...
  18. Teyla Sal-Soren

    Legends of Naboo: Set and Veré

    fa-play fa-pause In an epic of fable and legend, when the Galaxy lay cloaked in mist and bathed in mythos, there lived a mortal named Set, birthed from the noblest of Kings with unyielding benevolence. From the dawning days of his boyhood, Set's destiny was painted in grand brushstrokes...
  19. Briana Sal-Soren

    Character  Briana Sal-Soren V2.0

    BRIANA Music Titanium Aliases Duchess Bri Bri-Utiful That Rich Girl Peril of Hubris Rank Knight — Grand Master of The Order of Shiraya Faction Royal Naboo Republic Specialty Duelist Age Young Adult Birthplace Naboo Species Hapan-Hybrid Height 5'8'' Weight 58.6 KG Hair Color...
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