Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. XaraXunia

    LFG  Insectoid Invasion - Need insects and exterminators

    I am looking to invade the independent planet of Koboth and use it as a base for my big bag evil guy, Xaraxunia. Xaraxunia, "The Conqueror of Koboth". is going to fight for planetary supremacy aboard a downed battlecruiser, together with his insectoid buddies, and one of them could be you! I'm...
  2. Kaljak Rakham

    Character  M1G-77

    M1G-77 Age 920 GSY Model IG-100 MagnaGuard Gender Masculine Height 1.98 Meters Weight 123 kg Force Sensitive No Voice Raul Tejada PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION M1G-77 appears typical for a unit of the IG-100 model. Albeit, he looks a tad worn down. Additionally, he seems to have welded a...
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