Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Jenn Kryze

    Private  A New Dawn I Clan Kryze

    fa-play fa-pause Beskar'gam The Battle for Coruscant was over. The Mandalorians of Clan Kryze, steadfast and resolute in their commitment to the defense of the Jedi Temple and its surrounding areas, had emerged victorious yet again- but the cost of such a victory was high. The warriors of...
  2. Haliat Kryze

    Character  Haliat Kryze

    Haliat Kryze Age 38 Species Human Gender Male Height 1.87m Weight 90.7kg Force Sensitive No PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION For the most part, Hal’s appearance is all utility, little presentation. He keeps himself and his apparel as clean as possible under any circumstance, mostly as...
  3. Jenn Kryze

    Private  Accept the Past, Face the Future I Clan Kryze

    fa-play fa-pause Beskar'gam What legacy shall I leave behind, when I return to the Manda? Will I be remembered as a hero, a savior, a great unifier? Or will my name be reviled as that of another betrayer to my people, a loathsome and accursed name doomed to be forgotten by all? Do I...
  4. Caesar Kryze

    Character  Caesar Kryze

    CAESER KRYZE NAME: Caesar Kryze ALIASES: FACTION: Deaths Hand Mawite Remnant Clan Kryze Clan Harert RANK AND QUALIFICATIONS: Steward of the Death's Hand Dark Force user - Lord level Son of Khamul Kryze and Dodhorn Harert SPECIES: Human/Sangnir - nether touched AGE: Biologically...
  5. Jenn Kryze

    Character  Jenn Kryze

    Jenn Kryze Music Get in the water - Epic the musical [Morgan Clae audition] Aliases The Redeemer Rank Forgemistress Title Alor of House Kryze Duchess of the New Mandalorians Knight-Commander of Onderon Specialization Metalsmith Affiliations New Mandalorians Galactic Alliance...
  6. Varys Amun

    Private  The Champion and the Heir [Jenn Kryze]

    The Champion: Jenn Kryze The Heir: Varys Amun Amun Steading, Dantooine Varys knelt in the damp soil, her knees and back aching as she scooped away a handful of dirt, carefully retrieving a small tuber from the well she had created. She placed the vegetable in her basket before...
  7. Jenn Kryze

    Approved Location  B'yaim Haar Cabur - The Home of Clan Kryze

    Intent: To establish a base of operations for the resurgent Clan Kryze in order for them to fulfill their duties as Protectors. Image Credit: Sparth on ArtStation. Canon: N/A Permissions: You will find here a screen capture of my asking (and receiving) permission from the current faction head of...
  8. Nelliel Kryze

    Character  Nelliel Kryze

    Nelliel Kryze Switchblade [ Theme ] | Name | Nelliel Kryze | Aliases | Nel | Callsign | Switchblade | Allegiance | The Enclave | Affiliation | Skull Squadron | Occupation | Pilot | Rank | Ver'Alor [Lieuteant] | Age | 28 | Species | Human | Homeworld | Atrisia | Gender | Female | Vocal...
  9. Yael Kandar

    Work In Progress  Clan Kandar of Kestri

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A family to provide Yael Kandar & Emam Kandar with background and backstory. Image Credit: Logo Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: House Kryze Yael Kandar Emam Kandar Tor Valum Kestri Kandar Forge & Arms GENERAL INFORMATION Organization Name: Clan Kandar...
  10. Shia Kryze

    Character  Shia Kryze

    Shia Kryze This beskargam is a tool. It does not control me. I control it. This is the weakness of weapons. They are tools to kill and destroy. They are not what gives you power. You are the weapon. You are the killer and destroyer. FACTION: Mandalorian SPECIES: Human / Rattataki...
  11. Koth Kryze

    Character  Koth Kryze

    KOTH KRYZE Aliases Talon Title(s) None Class(es) Engineer/Bounty Hunter Birthplace Dromund Kaas Age 18 Virtue(s) Creativity, Determination Personal Loyalty Rank(s) Clan Warrior Faction(s) The Enclave Species Human Language(s) Galactic Basic Huttese Mando'a Sith...
  12. Erla Kryze

    Character  Erla Kryze

    NAME: Erla Kryze FACTION: None at this time RANK: N/A SPECIES: Mandalorian AGE: 32 SEX: Female HEIGHT: 5'4 WEIGHT: 110lbs EYES: Green HAIR: Red SKIN: Fair FORCE SENSITIVE: Not Force Sensitive STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES: Strengths: Competent Fighter: Erla has trained in many...
  13. M

    Character  Mishel R. Kryze

    Mishel has absolutely been one of my favorite characters to write, hands down. I'm grateful to everyone who has interacted with her/me, for the good, the bad, and the ugly. I've tracked down as many of her past biographies as possible, as her story is way too much to try and condense into a...
  14. Sasha Kryze

    Character  Sasha Kryze - Latulya

    Hettir Full name: Sasha Kryze - Hettir - Euk Haran - Latulya Species: Human (Mandalore) Age: 20 Height: 1.70 m Weight: 8.2 Stones Faction: Enclave - Allies - Credits Rank: Galaar Sasha cannot remember a time she was truly happy, and barely remembers her young days on Mandalore. Perhaps shock...
  15. Lyanna-Doss Kyrze

    Character  Lyanna-Doss Kryze (WIP)

    Lyanna-Doss Kryze Vital Statistics: NAME: Lyanna “Lee” Doss-Kyrze FACTION: House Kryze RANK: Full member of Clan Kryze SPECIES: Human HOMEWORLD: Saleucami FAMILY: Loreena Doss (Mother-deceased), Sergeant Jesson Doss (Father-alive) AGE: 20 Standard Years SEX: Female – Cis-Gendered HEIGHT...
  16. Malagith

    Clan Kryze

    CLAN KRYZE OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: The intent of this entry is to expand on the lore of Clan Kryze from canon. Image Credit: Canon: ​Links: Malagith Werlaara Kryze GENERAL INFORMATION...
  17. Malagith

    Malagith Warleera

    NAME: Malagith Warleera Sharratt CONCEPT: Traditionalist Mandalorian MANDALORIAN HOUSE: House Kryze MANDALORIAN CLAN: Clan Sharratt FACTION: Black Sun OCCUPATION: Bounty Hunter / Warrior / Chronicler / Consultant for Kandosii Warfare Technologies RACE: Human AGE: 30 FORCE SENSITIVE: Hell no...
  18. Shia Kryze

    Send Lawyers, Guns and Money

    When visiting Kaine, Shia also had to plan around Adara's presence. It was, if you asked her, as if the devil-child were everywhere at once. Could she be? Manda, she hoped not. Still, it was very unlikely Adara would at the MandalArms HQ. "Kryze to see Kaine." She didn't state which Kryze...
  19. Shia Kryze

    Next quarter is new business!

    Shia had carefully planned this encounter, to avoid... the child. It was really hard to have a business chat with your best friend and sister when her daughter was giving you the evil eye, after all. She wasn't quite sure where Adara was, but she suspected a jackal-headed bodyguard with an...
  20. Shia Kryze

    Approved NPC  The Fire Owls

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To further flesh out the mercenaries and combat style of Clan Kryze Image Credit: N/A Role: Armoured Cavalry Links: Kryze Incorporated GENERAL INFORMATION Unit Name: The Fire Owls Affiliation: Shia Kryze, Kryze Incorporated Classification: Armoured Cavalry...
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