Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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league of autonomous worlds

  1. Tales From The Outer Rim

    Minor Faction Join the League Today! | LAW Advert

    In the Outer Rim Territories, a new hope has risen from the ashes: the LEAGUE OF AUTONOMOUS WORLDS The LAW is a successor state to the fallen Rimward Trade League, a new alliance of independent planets seeking to resist Sith occupation and restore peace, prosperity, and civility to the galactic...
  2. Aerin Denno

    Contract  Mission Board | LAW & Allies

    - LEAGUE MISSION BOARD Beneath a veneer of dust and starship grease, four new freelance contracts from the LEAGUE OF AUTONOMOUS WORLDS flickers to life. As always, League missions are free to any capable persons wishing to help the LAW and make some credits. All one must do is claim the job...
  3. Tales From The Outer Rim

    Mission  Operation: Firestorm | LAW Mission to Karazak

    OPERATION: FIRESTORM The only things certain in life are death, taxes… and slavers. In the absence of Judges and lawmen, the Karazak Slavers' Cooperative has risen again and is moving fast to reclaim lost territory. Once more, their presence is known on the arid world of Karazak where...
  4. Jacen Terrik

    Mission  A Flame in Your Heart | LAW Mission to Yumfla

    A FLAME IN YOUR HEART LAW MISSION TO YUMFLA OBJECTIVE 1: No Other Will Do Suggested for Spacers, ORDC, Medics & Humanitarians The vicious Fires of Susefvi were thankfully short-lived, dissipating under the tropical rains and ocean spray, but the scars left by the Sith still remain. Yumfla...
  5. Jacen Terrik

    Character  Jacen Terrik | League Spacer

    JACEN TERRIK Age 30 GSY Species Human (Corellian) Gender Male (he/him) Height 6’2” (1.8m) Weight 190lbs (86kg) Force Sensitive Undetermined Faction(s) League of Autonomous Worlds Spacers Alliance Ship Firefly (Dal Una class YF-450 heavy armored freighter) -|| APPEARANCE...
  6. Reynon Gallant

    Character  Reynon Gallant

    REYNON GALLANT Age 29 GSY Species Human (Chantemaran) Gender Male Height 1.88 Meters Weight 81 kg Force Sensitive No Voice Gambit (A.J. LoCascio) INVENTORY Equipment His own personalized armored flight suit An MAA-006 jetpack X-40 “Cavalier” blaster pistol Vehicle(s) The...
  7. Aerin Denno

    Factory  Outer Rim Supply Co.

    Outer Rim Supply Company OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: [HERE] Canon Link: [HERE] Primary Source: [n/a] CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Outer Rim Supply Company Headquarters: Horizon Base Locations: Kabal Reklam Station, Yarma Sevarcos Stobar Operations: Outer Rim...
  8. Jerrel Kast

    Character  Jerrel Kast

    || BACKGROUND || Theme: TBA Name: Jerrel Kast Alias(es): - Class(es): Bounty Hunter Birthplace: Naboo Force Sensitive: No Force Alignment: - || PHYSICAL PROFILE || Species: Human Age: Mid 20s Gender: Male Height: 5’11” Weight: 175lbs Eyes: Light brown Hair: Dark brown Skin: Light || SOCIAL...
  9. Tales From The Outer Rim

    Faction  [LAW] Always Bet on Losing Dogs

    ALWAYS BET ON LOSING DOGS The fall of the Rimward Trade League was swift and devastating, precipitated by a relentless three-front invasion from the Sith along the western reaches of the nation. With the capital world of Susefvi engulfed in flames and the Jedi Coalition on Dagobah disbanded...
  10. Tales From The Outer Rim

    LAW Art & Graphics

    ART & GRAPHICS Directory LAW Dividers Jedi Coalition Dividers 1 Jedi Coalition Dividers 2 Headers Divs LAW Dividers
  11. Jun Chiyo

    Private  Dog Days Are Over

    Tags: Inhye Location: ADRAS Jun dropped into her chair with a sigh, sinking into the worn-yet-comfortable cushion. Her bones ached from toiling in the sand, her eyes were itchy and tired. Taking a nice, cool shower sounded like a dream but the effort to make it happen was too overwhelming...
  12. Aerin Denno

    Intelligence & Law Enforcement (Info & Roster)

    INTELLIGENCE & LAW ENFORCEMENT OUTER RIM INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS NETWORK "People who truly do great deeds don't feel the need to talk about them all the time." ―Crix Madine The Outer Rim Intelligence Operations Network (ORION) is a vital and sophisticated intelligence system designed to...
  13. Aerin Denno

    League Government (Info & Roster)

    LEAGUE GOVERNMENT "For too long I have watched the heavy hand of the Empire strangle our liberties, stifling our freedoms in the name of ensuring our safety. No longer!" ―Mon Mothma For many in the Outer Rim, autonomy is their greatest wish. Freedom from war, intrusive governments, and the...
  14. Aerin Denno

    Rimward Jedi Coalition (Info & Roster)

    RIMWARD JEDI COALITION "For My Ally is the Force, and a Powerful Ally It Is." ―Yoda Darkness befalls the OUTER RIM. The free people of the LEAGUE OF AUTONOMOUS WORLDS are threatened by enemies within and without: Powerful forces of evil who seek to enslave, exploit, or eradicate any mote of...
  15. Inhye Oh-chai

    Character  Traitor Turned Toiler :: Inhye Oh-chai

    Inhye riding her horse Saerounachim through the mountains near her ORDC homestead fa-play fa-pause Biological Name: Inhye Oh-chai Aliases: Hye | close friends Auntie | children in Nezan Species: Human > Atrisian Gender: Female Age: 24 Height: 1.78 m Build: Slim, strong Eyes: Dark brown...
  16. Aerin Denno

    Bounty Hunters Guild (Info & Roster)

    BOUNTY HUNTERS GUILD "You don't survive in the Outer Rim by being stupid!" ―Hondo Ohnaka The notorious Bounty Hunters Guild hasn’t always kept on the up-and-up, but where there are credits to be made, the Guild is sure to follow. The Bounty Hunters Guild is a loose network of independent...
  17. Aerin Denno

    ORDC & Spacers Alliance (Info & Roster)

    CIVILIAN DIVISIONS "That's how we're gonna win. Not fighting what we hate, saving what we love." ―Rose Tico Life in the Outer Rim is harsh and unforgiving. Planets are wild, untamed, and uncharted. Flora and fauna can be deadlier than any bounty hunter. Hyperlanes are patrolled by pirates...
  18. Aerin Denno

    Civil Defense Force (Info & Roster)

    CIVIL DEFENSE FORCE "People are counting on us! The galaxy is counting on us!" ―Han Solo Each world in the League protects itself from local incursions with its own planetary defense fleets, but when the LAW undergoes larger missions, the PDFs combine to form the formidable Civil Defense...
  19. League of Autonomous Worlds

    League of Autonomous Worlds

    LEAGUE OF AUTONOMOUS WORLDS (Faction Anthem: "Resistance Theme- Epic Version" by Samuel Kim) fa-play fa-pause "There will be times when the struggle seems impossible. I know this already. Alone, unsure, dwarfed by the scale of the enemy. Remember this. Freedom is a pure idea. It occurs...
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