Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Bryce Bantam

    Operation "Gale Warning" - Levantine Liberation! - ORC Dominion of Hex K-58

    [///Message Inc///] [///﴾Sub-Space Carrier﴿ ₸886.D3 Via Quermia Junction I²///] [///Bio-Met. Cert. : Approved///] [///Passcode: xxxxxxxxxxxxx///] [GALE WARNING : IN EFFECT] [‘WITCH WINDS’] ‘We’ve all been watching the writing on the wall. I’m sorry it’s come to this. We’re out of options, out...
  2. Jared Starchaser

    But you and I, we've been through that

    With the Fringe going through their government shut down, and the civil war tearing the worlds apart, Jared Starchaser, Wing Commander of Warbird Wing and the one who selects the direction that the Wing and her ship, the Dawn Treader should take had to make a call. While a lot of members of the...
  3. Ket Van-Derveld

    The Warrior's Way (Open)

    Coruscant Time. Time had no meaning to him anymore. Time was something he had in spades and then some. Time wasn't something he thought of anymore. Someone like him would be, no, IS considered timeless. He wasn't even sure how he got to where he was. It was still a blur. All he remembered was...
  4. Thessa Kai

    Mayday on Prakith (Open)

    Near Prakith "We're almost home, Sparky. Just got one more jump." The R2-unit warbled in the Galan's headset. She adjusted the flimsi of [member="Judah Dashiell"] and Makai that was stuck to the orange-tinted canopy while her other hand set-up the coordinates to their last jump. Red-lights...
  5. Lief

    The Horde And Levantine Sanctum 21Jun2014

    Major Faction Monthly Check-In Please check in only with active characters that are being role-played. All characters require a bio. You must post the complete, full name of the Major Faction you're checking in for with zero misspelling. (Do not use acronyms.) When replying to the Monthly...
  6. Kassandra Distorith

    Return from unannounced...yeah.

    I know I've been scarce the last couple of weeks, but please bear with me. I've moved from my condo to a house with the rest of my family (its a cultural thing, us young'uns take care of the older folk), had no tv/internet/phone for over a week, now have that but as it was just Easter and I work...
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