Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Kaida Taldir

    Approved Tech  Ice Fang

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To resub Kaida's lightsabre since she's a duellist type. Image Source: Here. Canon Link: N/A. Restricted Missions: N/A. Primary Source: The Sentinel, Vanquish, Jaxton's Retrosaber, Ice Fang. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Kaida Taldir Model: N/A...
  2. Siobhan Kerrigan

    Approved Tech  Rebirth

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To sub Siobhan's lightsabre. Image Source: Here. Found on Canon Link: N/A. Restricted Missions: N/A. Primary Source: Lightsabres, Crossguard lightsabres. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Siobhan Kerrigan Model: Dual Phase Crossguard...
  3. Drystan Marakos

    Approved Tech  Edylon, Drystan's Shoto

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION[/SIZE] Intent: Create a unique, highly concealable shoto lightsaber Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: Lightsaber; Sitara PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Jedi Knight Drystan Marakos...
  4. Ravenfire

    Approved Tech  Mykes’ Defender

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a unique lightsaber for Tom Taff. Image Source:!/configure Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: Lightsaber, PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Tom Taff...
  5. Ravenfire

    Approved Tech  The Taff Vengeance

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a new unique lightsaber for Tom Taff. Image Source:!/configure Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: Lightsaber, PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Tom Taff...
  6. S

    Approved Tech  The Unusual Silver Whip

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a lightsabre whip for Rachel Taff Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: Lightsaber, Lightwhip PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Rachel Taff Affiliation: Rachel Taff Model: The Unusual Silver Whip Modularity: No Production: Unique...
  7. Corran Conner

    Approved Tech  Vorkaliin Barass' First Lightsabre

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a standard unique lightsaber. Image Source:, [member="Bambi"] for the dividers Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: Lightsaber PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Vorkaliin Barass Affiliation: Vorkaliin Barass...
  8. Enyo Typhos

    Approved Tech  Endurance

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To sub Enyo's lightsabre since she's a duellist type. Image Source: Here. Original link seems to be here, but no longer works. Canon Link: N/A. Restricted Missions: N/A. Primary Source: Lightsabres, Crossguard lightsabres, Enyo's lightsabre, Zelroth's Rest...
  9. Ravenfire

    Approved Tech  hibirar te ara be te blades shoto

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a standard unique lightsaber shoto. Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: Shoto_lightsaber PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Rex Taff Model: N/A Affiliation: Skye Australis | Tom Taff Modularity: Crystals...
  10. Ravenfire

    Approved Tech  Beskar'ad Master Saber

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a standard unique Saberstaff. Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source:'_lightsabers, PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Rex Taff Model...
  11. Ravenfire

    Approved Tech  Rex's Sabrestaff

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATIONIntent: Create a standard unique Saberstaff. Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: PRODUCTION INFORMATIONManufacturer: Rex Taff Model: N/A Affiliation: Rex Modularity...
  12. Darth Ophidia

    Bloodshine Blades (Sinya)

    KRAYISS II Near the ancient library. Sith grow in strife. Bloodshed culls the weak and hardens the strong. Yet, some wounds hurt the order as a whole; venom dripping on the roots of a great tree. Those who called themselves Sith and struck at the structure of their order were Zati: False. They...
  13. Taygeta Lightkeeper

    Approved Tech  Taygeta Lightkeeper's Lightsabre

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Personal weapon for Taygeta Lightkeeper Image Source: Genesis Custom Sabres Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A...
  14. Sky'ito Yumi

    Approved Tech  The Yumi Sabre

    The Yumi Saber OOC Information Purpose: A family heirloom light-saber Image Source: Primary Source: Mina Hazuki Cannon link: NA Production rp: If necessary Production Information Manufacture: Sky'itos Father Model: NA...
  15. Haytham Kaze

    Approved Tech  Haytham Kaze's Lightsabre

    Image Source: Intent: Subbing the lightsabre he's used since creation. Development Thread: Every thread he's used it in. Manufacturer: Haytham Kaze Model: N/A Affiliation: Darth...
  16. Taygeta Lightkeeper

    Approved Tech  Taygeta Lightkeeper's Lightsabre

    Image Source: Intent: Personal weapon for Taygeta Lightkeeper Development Thread: None yet Manufacturer: Taygeta Lightkeeper Model: Taygeta's Lightsabre Affiliation: Jedi, Silver Sanctum Coalition, Taygeta Lightkeeper...
  17. Darth Ophidia

    Leverage, position, advantage - As Natural as Breathing (Abyss)

    Tython, a planet drenched in history of the Force. Now claimed by the Sith, it was permeated by a lingering darkness it has not seen before. It was their burnt pearl, a jewel of spite brandished against their arch enemies. This lingering sensation of vengeance always brought Darth Ophidia to a...
  18. Voices of The Deep

    Approved Tech  Winters Wrath - The Queens Lightsabre (Guard Shoto)

    Winters Wrath Image Source: Wookipeida - Guard Shoto Intent: To provide Winter Sovereign with a unique weapon design suited for her style of combat. Development Thread: If Needed Manufacturer: Winter Sovereign Model: Winters Wrath Affiliation: Winter Sovereign Modularity: No Production...
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