Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. GAL Ltd.

    Holonet  A GRAND "Grand Opening" - Vacation like you know how on March 12th

    The Obelisk Vacation Resort will be having its grand opening soon! We are taking reservations now!The resort boasts luxurious amenities including a state-of-the-art spa, gourmet dining options, and breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. Whether you're looking for a relaxing getaway or...
  2. Zachariah Conway

    Private  Like a Pack of Rabid Animals

    Location: Unknown Tags: Caden Evesa | Naamino Zuukamano Equipment: Lightsaber | Sith Robes Watching. The Sith Knight had been watching from a distance, allowing himself to recieve regular reports from Korriban of the progress of the students currently enrolled in the Academy. He wasn't...
  3. Darth Veyriss

    LFG  Looking for like minded Darksiders

    Darth Veyriss is looking for like minded Sith alchemists and scientists to put together a dark side/ Sith research committee devoted to the advancements of the dark arts. Veyriss herself is a Chiss scientist and geneticist looking to push the limits on cloning technology. I have a few ideas for...
  4. Precursor

    First Reply  Like Locus

    It was as if a swarm of locus had descended on the quiet world of Niran. No, worse than that. It wasn't just fields of crops picked clean, it was houses, buildings, all stripped down to the very dirt they were built upon until nothing seemed to be left. Lifeless dirt, at that, as if something...
  5. Xoff Chantin

    LFG  I like big Hutts and I cannot lie!

    I'm a Zeltron golddigger looking to strike it rich with the most powerful Hutt on Zinder! Xoff here is an old character of mine, a crime Lord who married into a powerful Hutt family. While I could just write a backstory NPC, I'd like to explore the option tying the knot with an established Hutt...
  6. Everest Vale

    Private  Be Like Water

    After her recent debacle of trying to work with a sparring droid on her own, leading to one of the biggest frights of her life, Everest Vale had resolved instead to hone her Echani skills on her own with no such 'assistance'. It had been a while since she had the chance to practice the arts of...
  7. Mr. Usher

    First Reply  Feels Like Somebody's Watching Me

    FIRST REPLY, OPEN TO ALL The pitter-patter of rain accompanied the sound of soaked soles squelching on the sidewalks and gangways of Coruscant. A figure of a man limped awkwardly, as if inebriated, along, occasionally turning, searching to see if they were followed. The harsh lighting from...
  8. Astride Velvet

    Private  Wonderland Ice Paradise

    It's been a while since I visited my ancestral village. Everything was destroyed, but I took the time to restore my house so I could live there peacefully. To feed myself, I hunt or fish. For plants, I go in the forest; in short, I'm completely self-sufficient. I don't need anyone, and no one...
  9. “Mina” Domina #41466

    Private  Hell Have No Fury Like An AI Scorned

    TAG: Zed Steed The Diarchy vessel was capsized, poised above a canyon, aboard all organics was dead, and systems were on nominal power. There in the mainframe was a light that shined with intelligence. She had been marooned during the battle, and no one had come to retrieve her. Forsaken on...
  10. Katarine Ryiah

    Private  Cooking MCs like a Pound of Bacon

    Yo VIP, let's kick it Location: Coruscant Objective: Start Investigation & Meet New Jedi Tags: Orion Pavond Katarine was staring out of the large temple windows that graced the small briefing room. Her deep green eyes scanned the city planet skyscrapers with an intent interest. Somewhere out...
  11. Lyssara Thrynn

    Private  a day like any other

    Datapad | Knife Phrik | Blaster | nutrient tube Tag : | Tamsin Graves Location : Korriban academy | corridor It's been a little while now since I joined the Korriban Academy. Between the Star Racer competition and various other events I've participated in, I can say I'm starting to get used...
  12. The Voice of the Lost

    Dominion  Smells Like Big Business | EOTL Dominion of Sakiya

    Though the Empire of the Lost once again triumphed over the Tingle Arm Coalition at Garn and Maldra IV, their foray into Hutt Space continues. At the heavily industrialized planet of: Sakiya the Empire encounters the green skinned Sakiyan species. These near humanoids possess high quality...
  13. Kuhbee

    Private  Younger than the Mountains, Growin' like a Breeze

    TAG: Ryana mina Location: Jedi Temple on New Corv Today was a very exciting day for Kuhbee. He was meeting another Jedi padawan today! They were supposed to go on a nature walk and document different types of species around the temple on New Corv. There was a new predator who had moved into...
  14. Srina Talon

    Question  Mandates? Like em, Hate em - How do you feel about them?

    Hi there! We've had quite a few new mandates to offer this year that are pretty fun and wild on paper. But, how do you guys feel about them? Those currently in use are: Dark Empire | Vassal State Empire of the Lost |Megacorpopolis Mandate Galactic Alliance | Relentless Horde Mandalorian...
  15. Connel Vanagor

    News  Discord doesn't like me

    I splurged and bought myself, my wife and my son new phones the other day. So I put Discord on this new phone Wouldn't you know it, I never changed my phone number (I had a phone paid for by work, no not my work phone, that was completely separate) on the account and they want it. On top of...
  16. C

    Private  Can We Pretend that Airplanes in the Night Sky are like Shootin' Stars

    Location: Castell - The Solar Badger Tavern Objective: Work Tags: Rik Perris The tavern was shabby but comfortable. It catered mostly to the factory workers coming off long shifts or getting ready to head in to even longer ones. It was loud and jubilant because on this planet there really...
  17. The Red

    LFG  Rivals, Enemies, Friends(????), the like.

    I'm branching back into this lil' rage ball of a Sith. Raised as a slave gladiator he's a spiteful, hate filled excuse of a Sith. He's barely learning how to be a person, probably won't actually really learn that, and is fully intent on just killing whomever Xeykard asks him to kill. We're going...
  18. Caltin Vanagor

    Private  Like sands through the hourglass (solo)

    (OOC NOTE- Still in recovery, but the creative side of my brain is going nuts, so... I wish I could do more, but my phone isn't that big,) As Jedi Master Caltin Vanagor watched his son, Jedi Knight Connel Vanagor, lying in the medical bay, his heart ached with worry and guilt. Connel had been...
  19. Calibur

    Private  Be Like Water

    This was new. Only recently have I been allowed to teach other students. As part of my goal to further the current generations of the Jedi and their teachings. However, this was a test for me just as much as it was the student. For that, I met at our desired location in the Temple. Reaching the...
  20. Raphael Gallustrade

    First Reply  Please, sir, I'd Like Some More

    The ship gave a slight lurch, as he came out of hyperspace, and Raphael gave a grunt. He was in a borrowed transport ship, given that his own was still... well, on Tython, which REALLY sucked. But, for now, he was borrowing ships from the Order. They didn't have much time, with reports of both...
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