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“Not the last of the old Jedi, Luke. The first of the new.”
― Obi-Wan Kenobi, to Luke Skywalker
Lilla wasn’t precisely lost – although it could reasonably be argued that not knowing where you were heading could be defined as such.
Her unshaking devotion to the Jedi Code was not up for...
Intent: To give a protective amulet to Lilla.
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“You're just a little gravel maggot!”
― Mawhonic
Lilla knew little practically about the Republic. She understood a lot from the history books — given she’d been schooled on the Governess’ Academy on Tatooine. There she’d studied both the theory of politics as well as the history of them...
“Togorians very emotional people, capable of great love.”
– Muuurgh
Lilla never saw it coming. One moment she was exiting hyperspace and the next she was enveloped in a web of blue lightning. The electric bolts wriggled over the hull of the ship, magnetizing its sensors, destroying its...
“The only advice I’ll give you when you’re in the jungle, shoot anything that moves. Then shoot the things that don’t move, just to be sure.”
― Kex
Dxun was officially the largest of four moons that orbited the Inner Rim world of Onderon. Unofficially, it was a sister planet. For its size made...
“I’m quite mad and even I know that you don’t want to lie down in an alley on Nar Shaddaa. The sort of diseases we have here won’t bother killing you slowly. They’ll just punch you in the face and steal your arms. Do you have any idea what price a disease can get for arms?”
― Dray
Nar Shaddaa...
“Oh, it has been too long since I last tasted Jedi.”
― Queen of Ktath’atn
Lilla knew little of Ktath’atn. If she ever wrote a journal, she was sure every page would start with those lines – for she’d spent her formative years on Tatooine. Or, more accurately, those early years she remembered...
“I will take Dubrava! Anything will be better than being forced to see your stupid looks one more time.”
―Jal Te Gniev
Astrographical information
Outer Rim Territories
Albanin sector
Dubrava system
Grid coordinates
Trade routes
Triellus Trade Route...
"There's nothing to see. I used to live here, you know."
― Luke Skywalker
The report did her former home justice, yet she had bristled at the tone of the mission brief. It was labelled as a ‘planet heir to an ecological catastrophe in the dim past, and whose vast deserts now support a...
The elderly man stared at the tank full of liquid. His younger self stared back at him.
“You cannot beat Arkanian cloning technology,” said the facility executive. “As good as the Kaminoans’, and a full year’s lead time to adult, as well – we don’t rush the process. We guarantee a stable...