Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. C

    Private  Living in a Fractured World

    Location: Zeltros - Hill House Sanatorium Objective: Make new friends Tags: Persephone Dashiell Ane was walking through the halls humming slightly to herself. She hated how even in these pristine clean halls she could still smell the foul stench of the planet Zeltros. The hedonistic planet...
  2. Jonyna Si

    Private  Cats and Dogs, Living Together

    TAG: Lianne Zulia Jonyna's role as Tribal Sage of the Cathar wasn't a responsibility she had to act on too often. She had gotten a report from a tribe to the north of Ran Dom Kuun of a 'wild child', a rowdy kid who needed to be talked to. Normally, she'd suggest simply letting the parents...
  3. Tibera Jessen

    Private  Living the High Life

    Chagria, a strange world covered in high plateaus and deep oceans. It was renowned for it's various resorts and luxury hotels both above and below the oceans waves. Tibera wasn't usually one for such idyllic faire, but this wasn't just for her. She was intending to invite a man along on this...
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