Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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lossa aureus

  1. SID-10S "Sid"

    Private  Trust Nobody but the Droid

    This thread is running tandem to the GA/SO Convergence Junction Naboo - Aureus Estate Ariadne The Estate was silent save for the handful of meatbags that had been employed to care for the property in his master's extended family. An organic that had perhaps grown a little less deserving of the...
  2. Lossa Aureus

    Private  Another Name on File

    Naboo Hospital - Family Wing Outfit - Bracelet - Heels Briana Sal-Soren The time spent with Zane Cameron was still fresh in her mind as she made her way to find her cousin. Sid gingerly keeping in lockstep with Lossa and the bundle she had in her arms. The Droid had been hesitant to give back...
  3. Lossa Aureus

    Private  Night Life is the Salve of the Soul

    Coruscant Night Club - L'Écho Impératrice Outfit - Bracelet - Heels Zane Cameron The recovery of Coruscant was underway as to be expected. Those souls that were dedicated to the task were diligent in their work. But even the most diligent or dedicated soul needed a break from the constant...
  4. Lossa Aureus

    Private  The Cycle Renews - Post Coruscant

    Location: Dawnbreaker Medical Wing, Private Suite Tags: Zaiya Ceti -Continued from here- The medical staff were as comforting as they could be delivering the news of the past few days. Lossa had been in what they could only describe as induced coma. Assuring her that they had not taken...
  5. Lossa Aureus

    When Anger Gives Way to Reason | Post-Coruscant

    fa-play fa-pause An unseen held her in place with nothing solid beneath her perceived form. Weightless and held aloft in the nothing that dominated the space around her. Surrounded by everything and nothing all at once as her mind drifted behind the safety of that dark veil. Shut tight...
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