Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Kat Decoria

    Private  We found Love in a Hopeless Place

    Location: Jutrand - Allyson's apartment Outfit: Casual Tag: Allyson Locke Kat sighed, she didn't know what she was doing. She had spent a while now just lost and without much purpose. Not wishing to stick with the Galactic Alliance, seeing how successful her niece was becoming as a Jedi. It...
  2. Anneliese Kaohal

    Private  Crimson Hearts, Crimson Spades

    Items: Lightsaber I Engagement Ring I Outfit X X II Equipment X X X I Theme Song I Bloodline Tattoo Roman Vossari How long had it really been since she'd set her eyes on him? A slender, and now incredibly lean, firebrand of a woman leaned her body weight against the railing of the...
  3. Diarch Rellik

    Private  Touch of Life

    Location: Ozzuk-Thren Medical Station A New Way The day had felt long and dark. The last moments of consciousness had been of anger and hate. They believed they had bested him. When the champion took him to the top of the obelisk to turn him in like some prize he reached out to the force and...
  4. Rhys Swynol

    Public  Zinder's Autumn Festival of Love! (Open to all hopeful couples!)

    ZINDER'S AUTUMN FESTIVAL OF LOVE!!! Stewjon was a humble world for Zinder to set its gaze up. There was nothing on the world that screamed party or romance, however, Rhys had a plan. Organising with the leaders of the world, Rhys had been able to negotiate a deal where Zinder could set up a...
  5. Makai Dashiell

    All The Single Ladies

    No, not for me, sorry single ladies of Chaos. Makai is looking to hook up his friend Noah Corek Jr. and start his journey on the road to love. Naturally, Makai will be paying for you two to have the best date, so at the very least a nice dinner or outing in his credit. So if your a...
  6. Matthias Colcrip

    Discussion  Why do YOU love Star Wars?

    I think it’s safe to say that every single one of us here loves Star Wars. I mean why else would we take time out of our real and busy lives to write about characters set in Star Wars? One thing I’ve noticed and that I absolutely love about Star Wars is that it can appeal to such a wide audience...
  7. Katarine Ryiah

    Discussion  Love Interest - 500th Times the Charm Maybe? Need Advice

    Alright so first I want to say I'm sorry this post is so cringe. I generally hate looking for love in Alderaan places, but I do genuinely have a conundrum with this character so I figured I'd put this up and seek some advice. I think I've asked this before and my indecisiveness has just kept...
  8. Hilal Vizsla

    Private  Prisoners of Love

    Location: Prison facility located above Denon's orbit Current Outfit "State your name for the record." "Hana Song." "Scanning...... Okay you're clear Miss Song, the prisoner will be in the room 367 down the hall and to the right. Please note, that visitors have a two hour time limit to...
  9. Jenn Kryze

    Private  All's fair in love and war

    | Location | Hefi, Jenn's Forge | Objective | Work until the mind numbs. | Focus | Sam Sheridan Jenn... was tired. Whenever she looked back, her life felt somewhat akin to a series of disjointed events. She remembered her time after the collapse of her people, the time spent wandering the...
  10. Elise Ahana-Gwyneira

    Private  A Sister's Love, A Sister's Rage

    Coruscant. A city world of legend. Towering skyscrappers. Screens of rainbow lights and gleaming silver. A melting pot of many species and races, all brought together under the safety of Jedi protection and democratic progress. "I hate cities." Standing below the shadow of the Jedi temple, a...
  11. Harmony

    LFG  Former Veteran Needs Friends

    This is Harmony, Harmony is an oddity. She and many others were cloned for a Jedi crusade that has long since passed, but Harmony no longer has her fellow clones to hang out with. This makes Harmony sad. As a former sniper and soldier she could use some friends! Please put in your application...
  12. Avra Elru

    LFG  From Dathomir With Love

    Avra is, a Nightmother. Her clan, or what was her clan, is now controlled by a usurper that used outside help to take her leadership role from her. In the span of time since she lost her position from outside interference the rate at which Dathomirian rancor eggs are poached and smuggled off...
  13. Darth Nwul

    Private  I love everything.

    The space had been cleared of all obstructions. Far away from the nearest city, deep in the wilderness. The small structure that they'd found seemed to have once been a dojo of some kind, perhaps a place where ancient jedi had studied. There were murals depicting saber forms here and there, and...
  14. J

    LFG  Reaching out

    Looking for friends, acquaintances, partners in crime, nuisances, or people to bully me. Maybe a master for Joland and/or Cithria Zratis. Alyosha Zratis could also use some buddies. If you like sausage rolls or Taylor Swift, we should talk. Thanks.
  15. Tefka

    Request  Can we get some non gold postbits for the love of god

    I really want to implement some more but 1. the quality has to be high, not the usual trash copy and paste. 2. I don't have the time to do them myself 3. literally Srina Talon has been carrying the postbit art on her back and it'd be cool if there were others who could step up I'm down to...
  16. Hawk Hinata

    Private  Love and Corruption: Shadows of the Past

    The plough tilled the hard soil in long neat furrows that ran parallel across the field. Hawk wiped the sweat from his brow with the shirt he had tied around his waist; then he stretched the muscles of his back and poured the last of the water in his canteen over his head. The hot yellow sun had...
  17. Teyla Sal-Soren

    Private  Love Stained Despair

    fa-play fa-pause Appearance | N/A Location | Sal-Soren Esate, Hapes Tag | Baros Sal-Soren 'The worst pain does not come from your enemies, but the people you trust and love.' - Beau Taplin Teyla stood on the balcony of hers and Baros' shared bedroom, her sharp features turned towards...
  18. Darth Angonous

    Private  Fighter not a Lover

    Location: Jutrand Darth Angonous stood tall in the Sith training room his Lightsaber remaining on his belt. Once again Sicarius Hekate is late probably doing her experiments once again. The Sith Army will be massive and revolutionary, but he had a feeling that Sicarius was just using it as an...
  19. Iris Arani

    Private  What Is Love?

    Being a Knight was freeing in some ways. Mostly overwhelming, though. Incredibly overwhelming. All that newfound freedom and having to fend for herself wasn't something she was used to, and lead to a lot of just fumbling around. Except, she could always ask for help if she needed it. Or wanted...
  20. Katja Javik

    Private  All's Fair in Love & War

    THE EMPIRE 501st Special Forces Kriegan Tavlar In the days following, she had been in the grips of a concoction of emotions, ones that she could not easily pinpoint aside for one: confusion. There had been seeds of doubt planted in her mind, no thanks to Leto, which only festered with time...
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