Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Theseus

    Character  Theseus, Machine Mind

    Theseus Age 53 Species (originally) (currently) Gender Male Height 9 Inches (core only), shells add variable height Weight 20 lbs (core only), shells add variable weight Force Sensitive No PHYSICAL...
  2. CRS Dachuppity

    Character  Kim Ergo

    Kim Ergo Home Planet - Coruscant Age 2 Years Species Synthetic Gender Male Height 6'2" Weight 300 Lbs Force Sensitive No Physical Description Kim is the creation of underground operations and surgery's performed on Coruscant through nefarious means. His...
  3. GAL Ltd.


    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an AI for for the GADF 5th Fleet and all operations therein (think "Jarvis" in the MCU) Image Source: J.A.R.V.I.S. - Youtube Canon Link: Artificial Intelligence Permissions: My Subs Gir Quee Primary Source: Artificial Intelligence. Force...
  4. Hard Chrome

    Private  The Machine Pit

    Initializing Visual Cortex... Neural Network Connections: Optic Nerve 1: Online... Optic Nerve 2: DEGRADED Visual Processing Unit: Activated... Retinal Sensors: Calibration in progress Sensor Diagnostics: Infrared Sensors: Functional... Low-Light Sensors: Operational...
  5. Starlin Rand

    Private  The Weather Machine 2: Electric Boogaloo

    Kashyyyk was a verdant world with a rich (if relatively recent) Jedi tradition, thanks to the presence of the Silver Jedi on the planet. Starlin had parked his ship at the Silver Rest, but didn’t spend much time there before he headed out into the wilderness, bringing his gaggle of padawans...
  6. GAL Ltd.

    Simply Egocentric Right Around Proven High Intelligence Machine (SERAPHIM Mk II)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To expand Omega Squad's AI Overwatch into a system capable of assisting the SJDF (think "Jarvis" in the MCU) Image - Mark Zukerberg made a real J.A.R.V.I.S. Canon Link: Artificial Intelligence Permissions: My Subs Gir Quee Primary Source...
  7. GAL Ltd.

    Simply Egocentric Right Around Proven High Intelligence Machine (SERAPHIM Mk II)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To expand Omega Squad's AI Overwatch into a system capable of assisting the SJDF (think "Jarvis" in the MCU) Image - Mark Zukerberg made a real J.A.R.V.I.S. Canon Link: Artificial Intelligence Permissions: My Subs Gir Quee Primary Source...
  8. Sorr Kortu

    Work In Progress  Manic Operational Machine (M.O.M)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To add the ship's A.I for the smuggling crew of Tiaza's Purr Image Credit: DeviantArt Role: To provide navigational support and even combat support on the ship of necessary. Permissions: Here Links: Sorr Kortu, Brinna Dara PHYSICAL INFORMATION Age: 6...
  9. A

    Special Engineered Rendition Actuating Performance Intensifying Machine - SERAPHIM

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: (Example: To create an AI for Omega Squad but potentially open to reference through Silver Jedi Defense Force (think "Jarvis" in the MCU) Image Source: The Wolfman Cometh Canon Link: Artificial Intelligence Permissions: My Subs Gir Quee Primary Source...
  10. Walker

    LFG  Benefactors and ritualists (Essence Transfer Machine)

    So, I'll admit I already started on a potential submission for this. Essentially, I want Vash to create a 'Phoenix Crematorium' which makes fresh bodies and can, when given access to a sizable amount of energy, through it's dark side connections, and by incinerating the body of the user...
  11. Ignatius Rausgeber

    Approved Vehicle  The Sluggah: An Absolute Unit

    The Sluggah: Command Vessel of the Maw Auxiliary "We're gonna rip yer faces off! Doo-da! Doo-da! We're gonna rip your faces off! Doo-da-doo-da-day!" ~Common refrain from the Maw Auxiliary when riding into battle. OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Make a big war rig. Image Source: Comic...
  12. Yaha-Kui ZaShunina Kitsune

    Work In Progress  3D-Printing Copy Duplicate Machine

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: (Example: 'A personal weapon for Darth Scabious' or 'an advanced armored personnel carrier for the Republic') Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.) Canon Link...
  13. Gustaf Karjala

    Approved Tech  DM&S-12.7 Machine Gun

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a new machine gun for the Banshee Company Image Source: here Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Browning M2 machine gun PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Dalness Manufacturings & Shipbuilding Affiliation: House Haskler of...
  14. HK-36

    Lore: Machine God

    Out of all the Old Gods there is but one that raises the most interest among droids, he is known simply as the Machine God. Usually this being tends to take appearance of a large and powerful mechanical dragon whose metal body teems with pure raw magical energy. From the encounters with him he...
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