Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Maiev

    Private  The Lost Witch's Chrysalis

    One night as Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori was sleeping, a silent voice tried to ring out in her dreams. It was faint at first, but growing ever louder the longer the night went on. Female, familiar and particularly wispy. The voice was calling out for her, the panic tone not coming across until it...
  2. Maiev

    Mending Through Fire

    It had been awhile since Maiev had seen Elpsis. The last time had simply crossed paths again, a fitting scenario given how they had first met on Felucia. It had proven to be an enjoyable time, but unknowingly to them, it had merely been the calm before the storm. Tephrike. Kalax. Both women...
  3. Maiev

    Spirited Away

    Yavin IV "Stop her, don't let her get away!" Maiev ran, her boots splashing through mud as she made a speedy retreat through the dense jungle of Yavin IV. Volleys of blaster fire zipped past her, forcing the witch to duck both that and the various branches that were attempting to blindside...
  4. Maiev

    Relic Run

    Nar Shaddaa - Krayt Dragon Club Of all the places Maiev didn't imagine herself being in, a nightclub in the Red Light District was high up on the list. Nar Shaddaa wasn't exactly her favourite planet, but she had often found herself trekking across the Smuggler's Moon after a number of leads...
  5. Maiev

    Shadow of History

    Auction Station V - Orbiting Corellia Braam Velden was a Corellian Noble that had gathered himself a substanial collection over the years. It had started from a small collection his father had inherited from his father and Braam had kept that tradition through his generation. Unfortunately the...
  6. Maiev

    A Healing Retreat

    Arkas - A few months before Outbreak Amongst their time together; that didn't consist of occupying one bed or another, Maiev had gotten to know Elpsis a lot more. She had learned of the various people in the empath's life, such as the few aunts she had. One in particular became a noted topic...
  7. Maiev

    Tome of the Lost

    The Vahla were a subject Maiev had rarely explored over the years. Her father had supposedly been one, but she had never met him - and for all she knew he could still be alive somewhere in the galaxy. Though the witch had never really had anything to go on. Her mother had died merely minutes...
  8. Maiev

    Terrors of the Wild

    Dathomir It had started about a month ago. Just the slightest oddities within her dreams and nightmares, things that didn’t even make sense. A glimmer of a presence, a whisper against her ear, small things that were missable at the start, lost within the twisting nether of the mind. But then...
  9. Lina Renning

    I Took The Road

    Ossus She was alive. Lina didn't know how long she'd been unconscious but she woke up an eternity sooner than she'd expected. In those last few seconds, she’d been sure they would be her last few seconds. But she was breathing. But her heart thudded tiredly against her chest as it rose and...
  10. Maiev

    The Unlikeliest of Allies

    Nar Shaddaa Undercity Undisclosed Complex It had been approximately one day and eleven hours since Maiev had been captured. The event in question was still an annoying blur for the witch. She had been on a simple solo excursion chasing down a lead involving a potential Sith cult. Rumour had it...
  11. Maiev

    Hidden Amongst The Thicket

    Felucia While Maiev had spent a majority of recent time onboard The Messenger, she still had her own personal matters to tend to. One of which was restocking some of her supplies. Generally that consisted of meeting up one a trusted contact to buy them in bulk. However, there were occasions...
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