Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Rianna Organa

    Approved Vehicle  Air Ambulance

    Image Source: Intent: To provide ground mobility and a means of transporting the injured Development Thread: If Necessary Manufacturer: MandalMedical Model: MM-AMB-1 Affiliation: Mandalorian Clans...
  2. Rianna Organa

    Approved Starship  Critical Care Life Flight Transport

    Image Source: http://vignette2.wik...=20150726054422 Affiliation: Mandalorian Clans, Royal House of Alderaan Manufacturer: MandalMedical Model: MM-T2 Modularity: No Production: Mass Produced Material: Mandalorian Steel, Duraplast, Electronics, Starship components Classification: Medical...
  3. Rianna Organa

    Approved Starship  Medical Supply Frigate

    Image Source: Affiliation: Mandalorian Clans, Royal House of Alderaan Manufacturer: MandalMedical Model: MM-T5 Modularity: No Production: Mass Produced Material: Mandalorian steel, duraplast, electronics, computer components...
  4. Rianna Organa

    Approved Tech  Avian Antiviral Agent

    Image Source: Intent: Provide a preventative to bird flu from the Dantooine Plains turkey Development Thread: if needed Manufacturer: MandalMedical Model: BF-100 Affiliation: Mandalorians Modularity: No...
  5. Rianna Organa

    Approved Starship  MedEvac Tranport

    Image Source: Affiliation:Mandalorians Manufacturer: MandalMedical Model: MM1 - EVAC Modularity: No Production: Mass Production Material: Mandalorian Steel, Duraplast, Electronics, Starship Components Classification: MediEvac...
  6. Rianna Organa

    Medical Evac Transport

    Image Source: http://wiki.teamliqu.../9f/Medivac.png Affiliation: Mandalorians Manufacturer: MandalMedical Model: MM1 - EVAC Modularity: No Production: Mass Production Material: Mandalorian Steel, Duraplast, Electronics, Starship Components Classification: MediEvac Ship Length: 18m Height...
  7. Rianna Organa

    Approved Tech  Rapid Reponse Mobile Surgical Unit (RMSU)

    Image Source: Intent: To provide battle facilities and to provide undeveloped mandalorian outposts, and settlements with a facility for medical treatment. Development Thread: -...
  8. Rianna Organa

    Approved Tech  Mandalorian Battle Medkit

    Image Source: Intent: To create an item that can be used in isolated areas when medical attention is not available Development Thread: If needed Manufacturer: MandalMedical Model: MB-MP 200...
  9. Rianna Organa

    Approved Tech  Mandalorian Survival MedPak

    Image Source: Intent: To create an item that can be used in isolated areas when medical attention is not available Development Thread: If needed Manufacturer: MandalMedical...
  10. Rianna Organa

    Approved Tech  Survivor

    Image Source: deviant art, nathan gibson Intent: To create an item that can be dropped or carried on site in areas that are hard to reach, very remote, or able to be delivered by escape pod in case of crashing. Development Thread: Survivor - Rianna Style Manufacturer: MandalMedical...
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