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The Battle for Kashyyyk had culminated in a resounding triumph for the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, their war machines roaring like a relentless storm as they descended upon the lush, vibrant world. With a ferocity unmatched in recent memory, they vanquished the planet’s orbital defenses...
Vreegan Fett stood atop the observation deck of the newly commandeered flagship, the Indomitable, as it cruised through the void of space. The swirling stars blinked down upon him, indifferent to the chaos that brewed below. His visor, reflecting the cold light of the console, hid the steely...
The snowstorm outside raged in, buffeting the hull of the ship and rocking it slightly. Kestri's winds were violent, uncontainable. Just like those who called it home. Elise Viszla gazed out the window, at the intense, blinding snow whirling and dancing outside. Her elbow was propped against the...
Sometimes, Elise loathed being a shaman.
She loathed the psychometry, the Force Empathy and memory walking she could not control. She loathed the effects of the Mother's Root, and how she was unable to properly own it compared to her full blooded peers. She loathed the burden, the weight of...
// Unknown Regions // Undiscovered Sector // Uncharted System //
// Terrestrial Planetary Body - Type I Atmosphere: Habitable //
// Continental Classifications with Variable Biomes; Predominantly Jungles and Oceanic //
The Mandalore-that-was is gone. There were once fertile fields where...
T H R E A D _ T H E M E
Credits were one of the many reasons that the ‘Verse spun ‘round. While such claims were proven wrong time and again, it was amazing what could be done with a generous sum of what was considered to be valuable. Greasing the right people’s hands often led to a mutual...
:// The Colonies // Bordered between the Northern Dependencies and the Slice. //
:// Perlemian Trade Route // Castell System // Castell (Prime.) //
:// Homeworld of the Gossam // Ruled by the Commerce Guild. //
:// Plutus Station // Republic Engineering and Trade Federation Outpost. //
As the...
"We want a War that will never be forgotten, a conflict to dwarf anything that came before it, and legends that will carry our names through to eternity. Legacy is what sets us apart, Haas'ika." -Ardasz Verd, 856 ABY
Concealed beneath the seedy underbelly of the Universe there is a...
All it takes is a spark.
The right spark to be ferried upon the four winds. When struck into being, something so tiny can bring about the most destructive change known to man. Upon settling atop kindling and seizing precious breath, a single spark can burn into a raging...
“The weak exist because we permit it, and they shall end because we demand it. This time of sniveling pacifism is over, if they kill us they're better if we kill them we're better. That is the way of the warrior.”
-Anonymous Clan Munin Warrior
Umbara. It is a world consumed by perpetual...
Little Sundari
The Crusade was over. Their Crusade was over. It had been months at the very least since the fall of the Galactic Republic and One Sith, the two nations the now-fallen Mand'alor had called for the death of. For awhile their people had celebrated, reveling in their...
It was part of their culture; their heritage; their philosophy; their tradition; and their life of what and who they are.
Mandalore Ra had done his duty of uniting the Clans and led them all on a short, yet glorious Crusade that made the name...
Dromund Kaas
The jungles of Dromund Kaas were not forgiving. They would tear you apart were you not prepared for the worst possible circumstances. The Hunters with me I had told to prepare from their body, their mind, and their soul. This trip would not be forgiving. We had to collect materials...
Image Source: Atuarre on DeviantArt
Intent: Asha Sasi's personal armor, an heirloom of her dead mother.
Development Thread: Memories - Asha returns home after many years, and learns of her mother's fate...
Manufacturer: Unspecified Mandalorian Smith.
Model: Heavy Reconnaissance Beskar'gam...
Name: Asha Sasi
Loyalties: Currently the Mandalorian Crusaders, [member="Keira Ticon"], @Alkor Centaris
Role: A Mercenary in the employ of the Warmaster and a reliable shot.
Development Threads: Memories - Asha gets the Beskar'gam of her mother from her father.
And there were Three - Asha meets...
Silver Temple
All of them needed to talk. It was that much she had told Connor, asking for him to speak with his Grandmaster in order to call council with the Crusaders and discuss what had happened. The war drums had begun to rumble once news of the atrocity on Korriban had reached their...
It had been a long, long while since the Crusaders had known any sort of unity. The last time any of them convened properly it had been to discuss a proposed change of direction and altering of their goals, but even that had been some time ago. Everything had been stagnant since then, all of...