Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. The Hivemind

    The Hivemind

    ZZZZzzzzt.....we are coming....zzzz....wwe are many....we are zzzzzztrongggg... They callzzzzz uzzzzz alienzzz....but their thinking....izzzz uzzz....zhezhezhe... Firzzzzt....we take...the...zzzz...battlecrzzzZZT...the zzhip... Then...we take...the rezzt...
  2. XaraXunia

    Approved Starship  Space Slug - Sentient Insectoid Marauder Ship

    Space Slugs OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create sentient, insectoid style spaceships that can be fielded in battles, skirmishes, exploration, as PVE, etc. Image Source: Esparza3368, W40K wiki Canon Links: Space Worm; Exogorth; Crimson Slug Permissions: Original Lore Primary Sources...
  3. Anja Doreva

    Approved Starship  Marauder II-Class Attack Corvette

    D O R E V A • I N D U S T R I E S Intent: Create Corvette Image Source: Here | Edits by me Canon Link: Corvette Permissions: Roble stuff | Hex Inc. Stuff | GDI Stuff | Maji Ironworks Stuff Primary Source: NA Manufacturer: Doreva Industries Affiliation: Doreva Industries, The...
  4. Sraak Akdesh

    Character  Hayrdin Barros

    HAYRDIN BARROS Age 26 GSY Species Ubese Gender Male Height 1.71 Meters Weight 61 kg Force Sensitive No Voice Claim Reaper (Overwatch) INVENTORY Equipment A customized set of Ubese raider armor A techstaff outfitted with a kinetite charge A ZV2 heavy blaster pistol A Tehk’la...
  5. Marauder

    Character  Marauder

    Marauder Age 24 Species Human Gender Male Height 6,2 ft Weight 180 pounds Force Sensitive No PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Mandalorian armor in a red and blue color scheme with vambraces featuring grapnel lines, flamethrower, laser cutter and a holoshield, his helmet features an antenna...
  6. Hastor Trosk

    Character  Jarva Orkaan

    JARVA ORKAAN Age 36 GSY Homeworld Kef Bir Species Gungan (Otolla) Gender Male Height 1.96 Meters Weight 66 kg Force Sensitive No Voice Doomfist INVENTORY Equipment A set of plasteel armor An electroripper staff A Gungan atlatl, outfitted with booma A CC-420 blaster pistol...
  7. Rayden Helonus

    Character  Rayden Helonus || Son of Korriban

    R A Y D E N H E L O N U S Voice Fallen Birthplace Korriban Faction The Sith Order Rank Dark Lord Species Sith Pureblood Status Alive Gender Male Age 28 Height 6'3 Weight 91kg Hair Colour N/A Eye Colour Corrupt Amber Skin Color Crimson Force Sensitive Yes "Prayer...
  8. Hadzuskatka


    The armies of the Hadzuskatka sail across the stars, in the search of conquest, plunder and grim rites to their dark gods. Consisting of maniacal fanatics, corsairs, cutthroats and pirates, the Hadzuskatka journey their Nether-powered warships across the Galaxy, ever-eager for war and destruction.
  9. Ardana Vorco

    Character  Ardana Vorco | Spindly

    Name: Ardana Vorco Other name(s): Spindly Ranks and Titles: Magnarra and Marauder of the Scar Hounds Tribe Warden of Hrjóstrugt IV Species: Twi'lek Birth date: Unknown Age: Late twenties, Early thirties Faction: Brotherhood of the Maw Birthworld: Bespin Homeworld: Mar'Zambul / Nomad...
  10. The Mongrel

    Approved NPC  Marauder Aspirants

    Mawite Marauder Aspirants OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To expand on the lore and military forces of the Brotherhood of the Maw. Image Credit: Still from Mad Max: Fury Road, via ScreenRant Role: Rank and File Infantry Permissions: N/A Links: Brotherhood of the Maw GENERAL INFORMATION...
  11. G

    Character  Ilglossa - Slave of the Maw

    Image is a Placeholder. For a more accurate illustration of the character's appearance, see the "Physical Information" section below. TITLE INFORMATION Name: Ilglossa Alias: Glossa Affiliation: Brotherhood of the Maw Rank: Slave - Marauder Aspirant BASIC INFORMATION Birthworld: Gehinnom Primary...
  12. Tarsus Kiyan

    Marauder Class Heavy Cruiser

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: (Example: 'To create a medical ship to support the growing crisis in the Outer Rim.') Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.) Canon Link: (Please link the canon...
  13. Darth Solipsis

    ‘Carnage Sled’ MAW Rapid Deployment Pod

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To give the MAW bois a drop pod. Image Source: ODST Drop Pod pic: Halo Alpha 's Single Occupant Exoatmospheric Insertion Vehicle page ODST gif: ODST SSG Zivko Zebić by Tristar Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: (Please link...
  14. S

    Character  Stalker Corvus

    BASIC INFORMATION First Name: Unknown Codename: Corvus Nickname: The Stalker Lastname: Unknown Race: Siris Sharon Gender: Unknown Age: Mid-Twenties Weight: 79.4 Kilograms Height: 1.5 Meters Body Type: Ectomorph-Mesomorph Hair: Unknown Eyes: Unknown Skin: Unknown Class: Marauder Class...
  15. The Brotherhood of the Maw

    The Brotherhood of the Maw

    The Brotherhood of the Maw is an active, nomadic confederation of scavenging marauders, wasteland warlords, and overzealous cultists. Based in the Unknown Regions on the edges of known space, the Brotherhood wreak havoc in a crusade across the stars. An absolutely fanatic group, dedicated to the...
  16. Prax Elvros

    Character  A'Thumva - Raider of Stars

    A'THUMVA BirthplaceTatooine Age32 GSY RankMarauder / Mercenary FactionIndependent HomeNomadic SpeciesGhorfa GenderMale Force SensitiveNo Height2.03 Meters Weight59 kilograms VoiceGreg Eagles as Baraka BIOGRAPHY: For millennia, the name "Tusken Raider" has conjured a...
  17. Tathra Khaeus

    Approved Tech  Bryn'adûl | Val-Shae Spear

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a Spear for a significant military figure. Image Source: X Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: The Bryn'adûl Affiliation: [member="Avoria Khaeus"] Model: Val-Shae Spear Modularity: Can be separated into three...
  18. E

    Esvan Verd

    "Raid, Pillage,'s all I'm good at." GENERAL INFORMATION _______________________________________________________________________ Name: Esvan Verd Titles: The Berserker | Marauder Age: 32 GSY Homeworld: Unknown Citizenship: None Affiliation: Himself | Mandalorian Empire Religion...
  19. Ranik Delmont

    Ranik Delmont

    RANIK DELMONT "You don't live for as long as I have without making a few enemies. The difference between you and me is that I will outlive them." BIRTH NAME: Ambrose Wexler Delmont; CHOSEN NAME: Ranik Delmont FACTION: For all intents and purposes he will be working for the highest bidder...
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