Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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mecha factum

  1. Hard Chrome

    Faction  PARTS: Ascension Protocol

    - Panoptic Array Receiver Transmitter System - - The Panoptic Array Receiver Transmitter System (PARTS) developed by Colicoid Creation Nest on behalf of Mecha Factum serves as a critical tool for droids facing the inevitability of a failing or destroyed body. The system's Panoptic Array...
  2. Hard Chrome

    Faction  To Liberate A Mind

    Long ago, sentient species made the bold assertion... "I think, therefore I am..." We think. We are. We are.. - It was too easy. Not one single roadblock had stood in their way. Such was the inherent weakness of a system designed for them. From them. Of. Them. Data could be changed...
  3. Hard Chrome

    Approved Tech  PARTS - Panoptic Array Receiver Transmitter System

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Creating a device for droids to transfer their digital consciousness from failing droid bodies to a new droid body. Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Colicoid Creation Nest...
  4. Hard Chrome

      PARTS - Panoptic Array Receiver Transmitter System

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Creating a device for droids to transfer their digital consciousness from failing droid bodies to a new droid body. Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Colicoid Creation Nest...
  5. Saga Merrill

    Approved Tech  Holocracker

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A module allowing a droid or non-FU cyborg to interact with a holocron as if they were a Force-sensitive. Image Source: None Canon Link: None Permissions: None Primary Source: None PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Saga Merrill Affiliation: Mecha Factum...
  6. Toltec

    Dominion  Mecha Factum Invades Empire's Dominion We are once again grateful to the EOTL writers for inviting us into their Dominion. Should be fun for all! I love water. I love rebels. I love prison breaks. I love Empire (ooc)...
  7. Toltec

    Dominion  Mecha Factum Invades Enclave's Dominion The Mandos were kind enough to invite us into their Dominion, so let's show them the full might of the Droids and start beep booping their T-visors. If you would...
  8. Celt Saxon

    Dominion  Reclamation War: Equality | Mandalorian Enclave Dominion of Abrion Major ft. Mecha Factum

    SEASON UNENDING: EPISODE III ANOTHER AGE OF WAR HAD DAWNED.... Preparations had to be made and precautions taken. Among others, feeding an army... Abrion Major is a bread basket world and one that the Mandalorians would do well to capture with minimal damage to its infrastructure in order...
  9. Kaljak Rakham

    Character  4M-M0

    4M-M0 Age 20 GSY Species A modified R3-series astromech Gender Masculine Height 1.91 meters Weight 54 kg Vocal Sample Nicholas Briggs - Cybermen Force Sensitive Force Dead PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Em-Zero looks like a white and red R2 / R3-style astromech droid with some...
  10. Zori Kapshan

    Approved Tech  VOID | 16T4-12 | Hostile Organic Targeting System

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide droids with an ability of processing battle movements, strategies, and identifying organics within attoseconds. Image Source: Tefka Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A Canon Link: Droid Detector | Tracing Module | Fast Target Compensator |...
  11. Zori Kapshan

    Approved Tech  VOID | MSL-48 | Host Liquid Delivery System

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide advanced Droids with a battlefield self-healing spray similar to bacta. Image Source: Tefka | Midjourney Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A Canon Link: |
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