Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Jessikal Skea

    Approved NPC  44th Combat Medic Company: Benevolent Banthas

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To rp out a combat medic group for the GADF. To help tell stories with Jessikal Skea and the NPC officers who run this group. To also help further rp out the Ariem Image Credit: Ram Symbol Medical Symbol [I also used to edit the images and...
  2. Jessikal Skea

    Ready For Judge  44th Combat Medic Company: Benevolent Banthas

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To rp out a combat medic group for the GADF. To help tell stories with Jessikal Skea and the NPC officers who run this group. To also help further rp out the Ariem Image Credit: Ram Symbol Medical Symbol [I also used to edit the images and...
  3. Jessikal Skea

    Character  Jessikal Skea

    Jessikal Skea Music Theme [/TR] Age 20 Personality Traits Kind, Compassionate and Diplomatic Education Traits Medic Training, Natural Orator Lifestyle Traits Tends to live a simple life if possible, nothing too lavish Rank(s) Senator Faction(s) Galactic Alliance Species Ariem...
  4. Agatha Io

    Private  House Bloodscrawl: The Medic

    Wearing: Medical Shroud Armed With: Ancient Fusion Pistol Equipment: Biotech Toolkit Objective: Check up on the Model 0 units It was over. Laertia Io's grand experiment had collapsed into civil war. A split that could not be reconciled between those who would continue to follow the...
  5. Tyto Ruus

    Character  Roosk Prahl

    ROOSK PRAHL Age 25 GSY Species Gungan (Otolla) Gender Male Height 1.96 Meters Weight 66 kg Force Sensitive No Voice Claim Baptiste (Overwatch) PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Roosk Prahl is a distinctive Otolla Gungan with vibrant green skin accented by darker stripes, an unusual coloration...
  6. Shuklaar Kyrdol

    Approved Armor  Breshig War Forge Consolidated 'Sol'akaan Baar'ur b' Marev' Gauntlet and Vambrace

    PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Breshig War Forge Consolidated. Affiliation: Breshig War Forge Consolidated and Strill Securities. Material: 'Gar Agol' CNT Synthetic Muscle Fiber and Molecularly bonded Duranium micro tool arms, Stesr'gar-Reinforced Stygian-triprismatic polymer composite...
  7. Credius Nargath

    Approved Tech  ABC - Aerosolized Bacta Cannister

    Image Source: [X] Special Permissions: [X] BACTA-H Manufacturer: Trinity Harris SPECIAL FEATURES Bacta or Harris Compound [Bacta-H] Pressurized Oxygen Duralium Cannisters Electronic dispersement system Optional Disposable respirator Variations: ABC: Utilizes standard Bacta [Open Market -...
  8. Tiare Malsuum

    Character  Tiare Malsuum

    TIARE MALSUUM Age 27 GSY Homeworld Hetzal Prime Species Human Gender Female Height 1.75 Meters Weight 60 kg Force Sensitive No Voice Manaia Adams INVENTORY Equipment A GAPU-45 armored jumpsuit A Wolverine Tac-Tool-28 A GAPSG-20 “Thunderfist” scatterblaster Various...
  9. L

    Character  Lena Vesna

    LENA VESNA Music WAY DOWN WE GO Full name Helena Abigail Vesna Aliases Lena Doc Class(es) Doctor Combat Medic Scientist Birthplace Naboo Age Adult Personality Traits Witty Empathetic Borderline genius Impish Proud Vindictive Education Traits Empathetic Scientist Lifestyle Traits...
  10. Taika Yukan

    Character  Taika Yukan - Imperial Stormmedic

    Face Claim Armor T K - 1 1 5 Birthplace Ossus Age Young Adult Rank PVT. Faction Empire of the Lost Home Lianna Species Human, Half-Ysanna Gender Female Voice: TBA Force Sensitive N\A Height 5'8" Weight 135 lbs Hair Color Brunette Eye Color Grey Skin Color...
  11. Secenva

    Character  Zhee Uonka

    ZHEE UONKA Faction: Darkwire-Friendly Species: Rodian Homeworld: Denon Gender: Non-Binary Age: 28 GSY Height: 1.73 Meters Weight: 57 kg Hair: Violet (dyed) Eyes: Purplish-Black Skin: Green Voice: Asia Kate Dillon Zhee Uonka was born on Denon, an ecumenopolis planet known for its bustling...
  12. S

    Character  Samuel "Bacta" Renfro 22nd Nova Corps medic

    NAME: Samuel “Bacta” Renfro FACTION: The Galatic Alliance RANK: Marine Captain SPECIES: Human AGE: 37 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6ft 1in WEIGHT: 220 lbs EYES: Brown HAIR: Dark Brown SKIN: Caucasian FORCE SENSITIVE: No STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES +Deeply compassionate and wants to help...
  13. Croaker

    Character  Jethyk "Croaker" Hoon, Combat Medic

    Croaker NAME: Jethyk Hoon FACTION: None RANK: Mercenary SPECIES: Besalisk AGE: 49 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 7'2" WEIGHT: 300lbs EYES: Orange topaz HAIR: Bistre, Long SKIN: Aquamarine FORCE SENSITIVE: No Four Arms with practical quadridexterity means he can shoot and sew at the same...
  14. Ezio Accetta

    Character  Doctor Ezio Accetta

    [TABS block_align="bcenter" width=1000] /: Photographs of Dr. Ezio Accetta Ezio Accetta's Theme: 'Daughter - Medicine' fa-play fa-pause [/TABS]
  15. Aria Scavo

  16. Kahlil Noble

    Private  Medic Collar

    It'd been a long time since Kahlil actively set out to search for someone. Even when he was separated from his now fiance Valery Noble, he'd never truly set out to find her. They had agreed for her to hide from him, just in case his father had taken control. Ironically, it was that same scenario...
  17. Vladimir Kovačić

    Character  Vladimir Kovačić

    Vladimir Kovačić Music never fade away Aliases Vlad, "V" Call Sign "SAWBONES" Class(es) Combat Medic Cybernetics Specialist Birthplace Serenno Age Twenty-three Personality Traits Lively Creative Humorous Bold Education Traits Savant Unconventional Genius "Street-kid"...
  18. M

    Character  Millia Brimarch

    Millia Birthplace Ession Age 33 Years Faction Ashlan Crusade Rank Jury, Medic Home Ession Species Near Human Gender Female Force Sensitive Yes Height 1.87m Weight 83 Kg Hair Color Wine Red Eye Color Ruddy Brown Skin Color Pale Cream Writer Sasmay Image source Ryuu...
  19. Julian Qar

    The Fallen [serenno]

    -the fallen- [serenno retrieval and rescue mission] [ Julian Qar - Lord Halketh ] The smell was unforgettable. It was all that filed the inner spaces of their helmets, clawed away at their suits, and swirled inside their lungs. He could never rid himself of the screaming from Ziost, even...
  20. Julian Qar

    Character  Julian Qar

    background-position: center; margin:auto; padding:15px; filter: drop-shadow(3px 3px 7px #000000); font-family: Courier New; font-size:100%; color: #c0c0c0; overflow: auto;"] Julian Qar Music Of Matter: Resist | TesseracT Aliases Doc, Jules Title Doctor Occupation Battalion Surgeon...
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