Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Edward Ashcard

    First Reply  Echoes in the Swamp

    Location: Location: Mijos — a Sunken Spaceport Edward Ashcard had lived in self-imposed exile in the swamps and among the ruins of Mijos since his failure to rise in importance within the Eternal Empire. He had settled among the ruins of a Lutrillian spaceport and kept a small section of it...
  2. Soldane Talon

    Dominion  Fortunate Son | Sith Order Dominion of Mijos & Kirtarkin

    Mijos 902 ABY “Students, at attention!”, his voice rang out like an orchestral scratch of string instruments. Harsh, but melodic, authoritative and attention demanding. Darth Salvos was a Sith of great repute. He had been considered a war hero during the Sith’s invasion of Aing-Tii during the...
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