Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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morgun jai

  1. Ben Khal

    Muddy Waters (short story)

    CORUSCANT Shortly after the Hapan royal wedding massacre... “You are going to tell them that you made a mistake.” Oukranos slowly opened his eyes. He knelt atop a meditation mat in one of the private meeting rooms of the Jedi Temple. The shutters were drawn, narrow slats of fiery dawn light...
  2. Ben Khal

    Private  Judith

    Private quarters of Master Morgun Jai Jedi Temple, Coruscant POV: Oukranos Cthylla “Are you sure it is wise to send Ben on this mission?” Oukranos had spoken very little for the majority of this meeting, content to sit and listen to the Chief of Internal Affairs as he had so many times before...
  3. Salamander

    Approved NPC  Jedi Master Morgun Jai

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To finally codify a frequently used NPC. Image Credit: Laurence Fishburne in The Matrix (1999) Role: A Jedi Master with an administrative role, used for story purposes. Permissions: N/A Links: N/A PHYSICAL INFORMATION Age: Middle aged adult Force...
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