Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Dissero

    Approved Tech  Dreadlady Sable's Truesword

    Dreadlady Sable's || T R U E S W O R D || - Image Source: A replica product of the sword from the film Ultraviolet Intent: To record a weapon that has seen use in threads since TGC by multiple characters. Development Threads: Battle for Naboo [Posts 74, 77, 80, 86, 205, 233, 259, 260...
  2. Soliath Devin Talith

    I Open Doors

  3. Zalen Zennoch Ziad

    For the right to rule: Zalen Zennoch Ziad vs The Almighty Emperor, Darth Moridin

    Zalen was confident in his abilities, but was he confident he could win? It would be interesting to see how one of the brightest up and comers of the Sith Empire would handle his emotions when he went up against the most Powerful Sith in the Galaxy. Was this a statement? Yes, it was. It was a...
  4. D

    Somewhere a Emperor is Frowning (Onyx/Moridin/Shaw)

    Onyx was sitting in the meeting room of his Fury class star-fighter. He was expecting a visit from the Emperor himself. It shocked him when he received the news. He knew it wasn't good either. He knew news of him wanting to overthrow the Empire had reached him. He knew Moridin and had fought...
  5. Tanis Val'dorn

    Power Play

    Sith Holocrons Objects of emense power and knowledge, Sith knowledge. Any Sith would dream to have what lie within these holocrons, waiting to be released. Tanis was no different; the power of the holocrons enticed him. He would think about them, dream about them, and now he was going to do...
  6. Tanis Val'dorn


    Tanis was up early as usual. Master Moridin had agreed to personally train him, so he definitely did not want to be late; there was much that he could learn from him. The training grounds were fairly quiet this morning. Tanis had been the first one to arrive, and remains the only one since...
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